what do i do?


New Member
hey guys im close to finishing my pred skin now
realy exitied but ive hit a roadblock i dont know what to do now

here is what ive got so far but im unsure of what do do next
any tips and tricks


i know i have to put the spots on but im just wondering where coz i dont wana skrew it up

any picks would be much appreciated


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Get the idea of screwing it up out of your head. Its your suit and it will come out right no matter what happens. As for spot advice, tradionally the spots are in the brown areas on the skin. Keeping them in those areas is playing it safe and will give you a tradional P1 look. Throw a few random spots and groups of spots in the lighter/whiteish areas. Some lighter and darker to give the look of depth or the spots under the skin. Vary the size, shape, and pattern of the spots. Another trick is to put reference spots in those areas. Like where you want the spots to start and stop. Most of all dont over think it and have fun.
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