What ARMORED HERO / BADGUY would you like to se sculpted? TMP STYLE.

More Steel . . .


I second this suit!:thumbsup
Well when you said bad guy... first one I thought from Marvel was Doctor Doom (comic version), Doom 2099, Kang the Conqueror, and Crimson Dynamo. Ultron also came to mind even though he's a robot and not some armored dude.
I couldn't think of any DC bad or good guys.
Im back to annoy you all with another suggestion. Kull Warrior (jaffa super solider) from Stargate. Always thought it was a great costume

TMP!! You're the man!! Always liked the Batman Vs. Predator armor!!

And the Kingdom Come armor suit is awesome too!

I know I'll come up with some more. There's so many!
+1 for Guyver III.

I LOVED that costume and always wanted to be Guyver III as opposed to Guyver I. To be fair any of the 3 Guyver armors would be great but preferably II and III.
The more I look at it, the more I really like that Lex Luthor. As a display piece, it would be stunning.

Are you looking to build something for satisfaction, or something to sell to private collectors? The market may dictate what you build, in terms of recognizability and marketability.
So John

Are you seeing how many vote on something ? Your own choices and faverites? If it will be something for the community make it reasonabiliy priced.

The Guyver suits are based on a fairly old (80's?) anime. It is an alien bio-suit that fuses with a human wearer and is used violently to kill tons of alien monster things...

There were also several Guyver live-action films made in the 80s--one of which starred Mark Hamill.


Here is the intro to the original anime series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJLq-1HbZFc
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