WETA Announces....LOTR 'The One Ring' from Jens Hansen Workshop


Sr Member
Fantastic news....

Weta released a new product this morning (No, not the D9 assault rifle)

But this..

The One Ring

Lord of the Rings - The one Ring - Made by Jens Hansen Workshop
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Hehe, so Jens Hansen has been selling these exact things for years, and now they're new because they're going through Weta this time? :lol
Very nice, but for the price I would just assume get the ones from f-boutique-thailand on ebay.
I bought the one ring from the Jens Hansen web site last year and got a silver one gold plated 18k for around $250 cdn. It is a great display piece.
I think the pricetag is a little spendy myself, however these are not just pressed out of some mold.
They are hand made to order, which kinda goes someway to justify a high pricetag.
I mean what better having an exact replica of one of the most iconic props from an epic trilogy, hand made just for you from the workshop that made the originals.

I'm sure Jens Hansen has been offering replicas of the one ring for years now, however i'm unsure if a hand made to order ring has been offered before, i'm not too knowledgeable, but perhaps someone who is in the know can fill us in.....

Sure you can buy a cheapo copy from ebay, but some folk out there may just want the most accurate replica they can, and sometimes, that does come at a cost.

I highly doubt Weta would be bringing us a product with a hugely inflated price tag, thats not their way. They obviously feel that the price is justifiable, and given their track record (D9 weapon pricing as an example) i'm confident that you will definitely get what you pay for, one of the most super accurate 'one rings' money can buy.

Between this and the Hand Made limited edition (10) LOTR swords that Weta are continually offering up, i see here a company which is delivering the serious collector exactly what he / she wants to see. Again Weta should be commended for bringing these to our collections, wether we can afford them or not, what other company do you know that offers such items???
Other than the inscriptions HOW does this differ from the ones already being sold by the original maker(s)?

WETA signs on and now the price is so over inflated for the exact same product?

You can't tell me a wood box is going to increase the value of a ring?

This is sticking it to your customers to the 100th degree.
I paid $60.00 for my chain directly from Jens Hansen. The chain (even with the correct clasp) doesn't justify the hike in price.
I can appreciate that WETA are offering something to a really exclusive market here, but that's a lot of green for a little gold ring by anyone's standards...wow.

The Hansen workshop have offered these ever since the movies were released in a variety of (more affordable and therefore more easily justifiable) options.
I'm sure Jens Hansen has been offering replicas of the one ring for years now, however i'm unsure if a hand made to order ring has been offered before, i'm not too knowledgeable, but perhaps someone who is in the know can fill us in.....

Hand made to order is what Jens Hansen DOES.

I highly doubt Weta would be bringing us a product with a hugely inflated price tag, thats not their way. They obviously feel that the price is justifiable, and given their track record (D9 weapon pricing as an example) i'm confident that you will definitely get what you pay for, one of the most super accurate 'one rings' money can buy.
On the one hand, assuming you can't get more accurate than buying direct, the additional money is only paying for Weta's involvement and the license. Pretty clear cut. On the other hand, what JH provides is a workshop method and a tradition. How much variation is to be expected years down the road, with Mr. Hansen having passed away in 1999? It is possible that access to Weta and any reference they may have could lead to more exactingly accurate rings.

But in the normal run of things in the replica business I wouldn't hold my breath. Nor would the differences, if any, be noticed by more than about 3 percent of the buyers.
It would have to be a screen used ring before I'd even CONSIDER that outrageous price. (n)unsure

Wonder if Weta will chime in.
hmm...that could be my wedding ring...one ring to rule her all!

I have one in sterling silver for my wedding band...it looks great.

On topic, this has been widely available direct from Hansen for years. I've had one for about two years myself. What's the big deal? :unsure Looks to me like those who wanted to buy these are getting the same product but now being hosed down with license fees. Too bad.
I bought one from JH shorty after the release of ROTK. I think it was around $600 or $700, I don't remember.
I have since sold it....for a lot less:cry
Here's whishing I had'nt!
That price is OUTRAGEOUS!!
OK, so gold is expensive...always has been, always will. Yeah, it's a pretty chunky ring...and yeah, licensing fees are a....well, they stink, but I really hope WETA decides to do a plated or brass replica that is affordable to people who are less financially fortunate that others....
I have one in sterling silver for my wedding band...it looks great.

On topic, this has been widely available direct from Hansen for years. I've had one for about two years myself. What's the big deal? :unsure Looks to me like those who wanted to buy these are getting the same product but now being hosed down with license fees. Too bad.

Exactly. This is not a new product, just the same product with an increased price.

Good for Weta and Jens Hansen, though. Weta gets the overflow money from the increased price, Hansen gets all that extra marketing from selling the thing through Weta. The only people who suffer are the customers :lol (not really serious about that last one, only mostly)

I really hope WETA decides to do a plated or brass replica that is affordable to people who are less financially fortunate that others....

And there's the other thing. You can call Jens Hansen and get something like that from them for a very, VERY reasonable price. I've heard of several people who get in contact with them and have them make a One Ring made of sterling silver and then gold-plated. Guess the bottom line is: don't go through Weta if you want this thing for a good price.