Years ago (before they started offering multiple styles like the "80s style" jacket) I went with the lambskin. I've had the jacket now for about six or seven years and it's worn quite well. It looks distressed in obvious places (IE: where my wallet sits, on the zipper flap, on the edges of the jacket), but doesn't look totally beat up. The worst damage it's suffered is where a kitten decided it'd make a really keen clawing spot, so there are parts of the shoulder that are a little picked off. I just chalk that up to demonic monkeys in an ancient temple and leave it at that.
I went with the Raiders style because, to me, the Raiders outfit is THE outfit. Especially the hat, but you can go to COW for all of that.
A few tips:
1.) DO NOT GET THE SATIN INTERIOR. Or at least, if you do, get satin sleeves and cotton body. The satin body on my jacked is now TOTALLY trashed and threadbare from just regular wear and tear. It really did NOT last well, and I'm planning on sending it back to be relined.
You didn't ask about any of the following, but I figure if you're asking about the jacket you may be a little new to Indy costuming. So....
2.) The Akubra Federation is an excellent option for a hat and reasonably priced. It's also not so bloody expensive that you'll feel gut-punched if it gets damaged. Get it unbashed and bash it yourself. I found just using warm water (no steam) works fine for shaping. I didn't get as detailed as a lot of COW members get, but honestly, outside of a COW member, no one will know the difference. (P.S. if you're looking for a "good enough" hat, I have one that I can let go for $40. PM me for pics and sizes.)
3.) If you happen to have a pair of Aldens, try searching for a Solo4114 (that's me!) thread on boot cream colors. I took pics of mine. The Alden company has changed leathers multiple times over the years, and it's kind of a crapshoot as to which color you get. You can find a few threads discussing that on the COW forums.
4.) For a "good enough" gun, I went with the HFC .38 FBI revolver. Available at I've bought from Shortyusa before and they're reliable. Fast delivery, too. Also don't be dissuaded by the plastic thingy on the front of the grips. It's removable.
Hope that helps!