Well...here we go. My ANH Star Destroyer build


Sr Member
Thanks to ckwanwoo, Flintlock and seeing the real Devastator model at the Science Museum of Minnesota I decided to start my first SS project. After about a year of collecting kits and planning I've finally started making progress on the building part.

This is my very first SS project, so I'm learning quite a bit as I go. My SD won't be as accurate as Eric's since I either don't have, or am not as willing to spend the money on some kits, but I'm trying to be fairly accurate especially with the bridge and neck areas.

Anyway, here's a bit of the work I've done so far. It's isn't pretty, but once it's painted it should look pretty good. I'm pretty happy so far.

Feel free to give any criticism and advice.



GREAT beginning for your devastator :)
The bridge's proportion is very beautiful...and accurate.
As you know, I also started the ISD project from the bridge about 2 years ago.
Cheers Friend~!
Great start Sumatra... This is also going 2-B my 1st SS build. Right now I'm just collecting kits. Best of luck in UR build. I look 4-ward to UR progress :thumbsup _Jc
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Thanks for the encouragment everyone. I should hopfully have the inner frame built in the next few weeks. once that's done i should have quite a bit of progress getting the main hull buit and the parts I currently have added on. Then it's a matter of finding more and becoming creative with the details I'm either unsure of or that I'm not going to be accurate about.

I'm still trying to decide how I want to mount it. I'd like to avoid messing up the bottom since that is so iconic, so I was thinking of doing the side mount like the real model, but mounting it from the bottom would be easier and probably more stable. I'll have to make a decision soon. :)
I think anyone who builds a SS Stardestroyer from scratch, let alone their first SS model is a very brave soul, so good luck to you dude!. Amazing start on the bridge construction, this is going to be one to watch for sure!.
Wouldn't it be awesome to see this finished next to Eric's build for a fleet shot?. Now that would be cool!.

I absolutely hate to be the first to make any criticism, but it's starting out so perfect, I gotta speak up. First of all, it is a fantastic beginning. The form of the bridge section is excellent! The kit parts are precise and perfectly placed. :) The Globes bug me a bit. I think they are too big. I took the reference photos of devastator and resized them to match your photos and your globes appear to be about 20% larger. I know on one devastator build in the past, it was found that there were actually different sizes of these globe "lamp" parts and that someone else had also chosen the wrong size. I wish I could remember who it was.

Anyway, excellent beginning and I can't wait to see more more more more!!!!!!! :)

You guys are insane!:lol

I started to do this a year or so ago and was discouraged when I saw the number of kits I need to scrounge up. I just don't have the time and patience for it!!

But seriously, good luck!!
Can't wait to see it's progress!
Wouldn't it be awesome to see this finished next to Eric's build for a fleet shot?. Now that would be cool!.

Cool? Yes, but talk about a logistical nightmare. :lol We'll probably have to do it in Photoshop.

I absolutely hate to be the first to make any criticism, but it's starting out so perfect, I gotta speak up. First of all, it is a fantastic beginning. The form of the bridge section is excellent! The kit parts are precise and perfectly placed. :) The Globes bug me a bit. I think they are too big. I took the reference photos of devastator and resized them to match your photos and your globes appear to be about 20% larger. I know on one devastator build in the past, it was found that there were actually different sizes of these globe "lamp" parts and that someone else had also chosen the wrong size. I wish I could remember who it was.

Anyway, excellent beginning and I can't wait to see more more more more!!!!!!! :)


Thanks for the criticism Dave. I agree they're a bit too big, but they were the closest thing I came across. I also don't like that the middle facets are stretched vertically a bit, but I'll put up with it. I think once I get the X-shaped radar on there it will help make them seem a bit less obvious.
Great start.Would love to be able to build one some day.Good luck with the rest of the build.

Cool? Yes, but talk about a logistical nightmare. :lol We'll probably have to do it in Photoshop.

Thanks for the criticism Dave. I agree they're a bit too big, but they were the closest thing I came across. I also don't like that the middle facets are stretched vertically a bit, but I'll put up with it. I think once I get the X-shaped radar on there it will help make them seem a bit less obvious.

What are the diameter of the ones you used ?

Great job so far anyway !
I think it was either in Eric's thread or Flintlock's thread we came to the conclusion these ones were about the closest modern ball we could find.

I would waste too much time figuring it out though. For me to change mine out I would pretty much have to start over and I'm happy enough with them.
The Shinano looks like the retooled one as well. I haven't seen the new version, so I'm not sure what was changed.