Weird warfare on history channel

Wes R

Legendary Member
Anyone watch this? Some of the stuff I'd seen on other specials but it's funny that a lot of this stuff would work now with our more advanced tech if it wasn't for the fact that it isn't very practical in modern warfare. Also as they introduced the part for spy weapons there was a warehouse scene that looks very much like the end of Raiders where they hide the ark.
It was basically the same shot of the guy wheeling the cart with the ark but of course they had him bringing the box of secret weapons towards the viewer. It was the same angle.
I caught the very end starting with the Tsar tank. I'm not for being cruel to animals or anything, but the Bionic Kitty thing was priceless! You could just imagine the CIA guys sitting in the van with their mouths hanging open thinking "WTF just happened?!?" :lol
I've never seen an episode of this show- so I googled Tsar Tank...


Is it that massive penny farthing wheel looking thing?

This one was a 2 hours special. trust me just keep an eye out and it'll be on here and history international constantly. I taped it for my dad. Yeah that's the tsar tank.