John Williams in Tokyo on Disney +


Master Member
I just watched it and was surprised that Disney even had it. It starts off with some conductor leading the orchestra on a few of his hits including Harry Potter, and Schindler's list, then the great one himself comes out and conducts some of his (IMO) greatest scores like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Superman, etc. Even my wife enjoyed it. It was recorded in Japan and the orchestra was first rate.

Gosh, that was fantastic... rewatching Superman: The Movie after the intense nostalgia hit of hearing them perform the theme.
I live in Tokyo, and had been interested in going to see the concert, until they announced that John Williams would NOT be showing up and it was a concert of his music alone, so I didn't buy the tickets...

Then he came apparently.....I'd have LOVED to see that......And I guess, now? I can! Thanks for the heads up!