"We Are ODST" helmet (lots of pics)


Sr Member
Hello RPF! I'm posting my progress on my Legacy Effects-style ODST helmet from the live action trailer "We Are ODST" for Halo 3:ODST.

I started off as that medium-definition pepakura file that's floating around out there. I honestly forget who modeled the 3d file, though. I just needed a well-proportioned base. From there, though, I ripped several significant sections of it off and rebuilt them to mimmick the Legacy Effects helmet. This reconstruction included the jaw area, the visor opening, the side vent areas, the ears, and the sides of the dome. I also added the LE-style bottom rim to the helmet. The rest was just left there as a good base to sculpt on later.


After fiberglassing the paper model, I sculpted in details with bondo, and I used some 2mm sintra and some "For Sale" sign plastic from Wal-Mart to add details. I also added divots in certain places for bolts and screws to go on the final fiberglass castings.



Then I molded it using Smooth-On rubber, and I built the mother mold into each half (so that it was just two big pieces that bolt together).




The first few castings I've done have just been fiberglass resin with microbulb filler, backed with fiberglass cloth (two layers). The castings are pretty light and pretty strong, and I've only encountered one or two bubbles. I tried a casting with Smooth-On's Smooth Cast Onyx, and it was an overall success, but due to the speed at which it sets up (I didn't have any curing retardant), there will be some minor bondo work on the bottom of the ears of that particular helmet. For future castings, we're just sticking with the fiberglass resin and micro bulb filler. So far we're 3 helmets into the 4 we need for our group costume.



Today I got around to painting my particular helmet. I've been using a combination of acrylic paints, mineral spirits, krylon clear flat, and real dirt to add my effects, not to mention the numerous dings and scratches applied with a screwdriver and light sanding work.




Right now we're in the process of building our small vacuum-forming table (using Volpin Prop's design), and I just ordered our PETG plastic for the visors. My partner in crime says that if the plastic arrives by the weekend, we might have our visors ready to install by Sunday. We'll see how that goes, given shipping and all.

Anyways, thought I'd put up another helmet of mine! Hope you enjoy! I thoroughly appreciae comments I receive from the RPF!
very impressive! i really want to make a few of these for a few friends, i'm envious of the work thus far!
Fantastic detail! I love where this is going. What fiberglass resin did you use? I haven't seen any in that color before. It looks like Smooth-On 3000.
Another gorgeous ODST! Excellent work!!! I love the color matching you've done with the Legacy Studio's ODST's. Can't wait to see it all finished.

If it's helpful to you in any way I have some pics of the Legacy suits as seen at Emerald City ComiCon here: Legacy ODST' pics from Cooter

Keep up the great work!
Fantastic detail! I love where this is going. What fiberglass resin did you use? I haven't seen any in that color before. It looks like Smooth-On 3000.

Thanks for all the replies so far guys! And thanks for letting me know whose file I started with!

As far as the resin goes, I addressed that in my post. It's fiberglass resin with micro bulb filler. The micro bulb filler gives it that opaque appearance because it's microscopic glass beads that fill up space within the resin. Their appearance outside of the resin is a white powder, so it turns the amber fiberglass resin a light tan color.

Another gorgeous ODST! Excellent work!!! I love the color matching you've done with the Legacy Studio's ODST's. Can't wait to see it all finished.

If it's helpful to you in any way I have some pics of the Legacy suits as seen at Emerald City ComiCon here: Legacy ODST' pics from Cooter

Thanks for the link, Sean. I've seen those pics, as well as some of the other pics taken by other people at ECCC. Of course, it's only AFTER I mold the helmet that I see these new photos, and thus realize my details on the back of the helmet are lacking. :-/
Oh I still think your helmet is great.. it always seems to be the way things happen that the reference material becomes oh so plentiful ...after you finish your project. ;)

Keep up your great work and thanks for sharing this with us!
Thanks for all the replies so far guys! And thanks for letting me know whose file I started with!

As far as the resin goes, I addressed that in my post. It's fiberglass resin with micro bulb filler. The micro bulb filler gives it that opaque appearance because it's microscopic glass beads that fill up space within the resin. Their appearance outside of the resin is a white powder, so it turns the amber fiberglass resin a light tan color.

Got it. I didn't know if it was a special kind of fiberglass resin or not. Thanks!
Thanks for all the replies, guys!


We got our vac table working tonight, and we just made our first two visor pulls. We used some .04" PETG plastic - rather thin, but it formed well and once shaped into the ODST visor, it has pretty decent strength (though, it's not like it's load bearing or anything anyways...). So I popped the first pull into my helmet, and here are the results:

The buck isn't the ideal shape for vacuum-forming. It should be a mound-shape, with supporting sides leading up to the edges of the buck. But this worked well enough for our needs, and because the plastic is thin enough, it can just be trimmed off the buck with a hobby knife.


Our table. Crude, but functional.


Mocked into place with some masking tape...


And here are the finished photos:




Well, we're going for "accurate to the filmed costumes," so for the four costumes we're making, the visors will be clear (or the "non-polarized" version). I'm going to be testing our some "polarized" silver versions on some scrap plastic to try to achieve the polarized look in the "We Are ODST" commercial, but we're just going to stick with clear for now.