Want to get in the costume world, but i need a few pointers.


New Member
Hey guys, im new, 16 but im looking to get into the world of pepakura and costume design. im fed up of watching youtube videos and i want to do it myself. the only thing is im hopelessy lossed.:facepalm i could use some files for iron man or master chief armor, but after that i dont know of what i really need to do. Any help?
If you want to do pepakura you need to take a few things into consideration.

[]Cost (like any costume, it'll cost a lot of money to make a full suit of pep armor)

[]Health (you will want to buy the proper equipment to keep yourself from harming yourself permanently)

[]Determination: (Pepakura like any great hobby takes a lot of time to do)

[] Environment: (you will need an area outside to work with (yard, open garage) and will need a warm temperature (winter isn't the time for it))

If you still want to continue to do this (and I hope you do, I didn't want to discourage you.) I can send you some files that I have (I haven't made them, but I have downloaded them), as well as point you in the right direction of what you will need. Just let me know.

-The Armorer
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