W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere (Entirely Cardboard!)


New Member
So I was invited to be a part of a group cosplaying from the video game Odin's Sphere for a convention sometime in July. I was informed in late March that I should do Demon King Odin. So I looked at the reference picture and seeing that it was mainly armor, I took on the challenge. Since I am starting medical school in September, I limited myself to a low budget of $100 for the costume. This restricted me to using materials that are unconventional but usable: Elmer's glue, cardboard, and just recently hotglue. I was able to get all the cardboard for free so that saved me alot on the budget.

Anyways, on to progress pictures!

Here is the "body" I constructed to give myself the shape of Odin. It is constructed into 3 parts for easier transportation. All 3 parts are basically hollow on the inside with a cavity in between the outside layer and an inner support layer. The panels on the top piece are left open for now until I figure where to install the fans and speakers. The head still needs a crown and the wings and is also just placed in the general location where the head will be. I am going to build a stand for the head for better positioning of the head. I also MSPaint-ed on the arm to give a general impression of what it would look like when I build the arms.


The entire thing will be pretty big, possibly 8ft x 8ft?

I also completed the thigh armor. I wanted to emphasize the thickness of the armor plates as well as the articulation of the pieces.


I am currently working on the shin armor pieces right now but they should be completed shortly and then I will start on the arms. I will then add the layers of overlapping armor pieces. After everything is constructed, I am planning to cover everything in craft foam and then painting it..... unless anyone has an easier method? :confused

Anyways, I have less then 3 weeks to finish this, since I lost a month and a half due to a vacation trip, so updates will be often. I see many all-nighters in my future :lol
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

0_0.... You gonna hafta squat to move? looks like you might be doin the splits since the armor's so thick. lol
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

0_0.... You gonna hafta squat to move? looks like you might be doin the splits since the armor's so thick. lol

Odin never stands up straight with his legs together and is always in a crouched position with his knees bent so I just have to emulate him and then I wouldn't have problems with the thigh armor colliding together. Accuracy ftw! :lol But otherwise, if I keep my legs apart, I could walk perfectly fine.
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

You could consider paper mache to craft foam, but it is hard getting it smooth.
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

Slight update. The arms have been started and some more panels on the top piece have been covered up.


Going to try to finish the rest of the arm and then start on the gauntlets. Afterwards, I'll start layerings pieces of armor and then build the head stand, crown, and wings. The cape fabric has been bought and the stars have been painted. I'm going to see if I have enough time to paint the inside of the cape and create the two colored cape he has.
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

I've never seen this character before but I'm really liking this build and looking forward to seeing it finished. You're doing a great job using cardboard for a medium!
Re: W.I.P Odin from Odin's Sphere

Thanks for the comments so far!

So I didn't get to make it in time for the July deadline, so I had put it off for a while. I recently started on it again since I might as well finish it.

Onto progress pics!

Here are the basic shape for the gauntlets and the helm constructed and covered with a 2mm craft foam "skin":


The gauntlets still need alot of detail work but the general shape is there. The crown for the helm is detachable and I plan on probably using clay to smooth out the top part of the helm.

Here are the thigh pieces as well as the shins.


The thigh pieces still need the top part covered with foam and a few details, such as the stripes and grommets, but the basic shape is done. The shins still need the knee attachment but other than that, it is pretty much done. Since the shins are too narrow for my feet to slip through when closed, I made it so the back of the shin piece is openable, like a door, so I could slip my feet through and then close it.

Next is the torso:


The torso was a combination of the concept art picture and the in-game design for the lower two pieces. Since I preferred that the gold stipe in the lower two pieces lined up, as in the in-game design, I used that design when constructing the piece. So far, the general layers of armor have been glued on. Some pieces still need the outer thin strip along the edges, some need grommets, and some need the gold stripe, but the layering of the pieces have been done. It was a real hassle, almost gave up mid-way, but it's finally done.

The only pieces left to finish are the arms and the fist. The arms are nearly finished in construction but the fist have not even been started. I'm stumped on how to make a closed fist. Any suggestions would help.