Voltron's Blazing Sword - Human SCALE


Well-Known Member
Ok, so im okay with the sword i have now, but id rather have a resin or lightweight plastic, or wooden version of this thing. foam is great, but is not quite as cool looking.

So in between having a baby and testing out making the Veritech, ill be switching from the sword I have to a proper version, with the guard on there, thats only shown in the show and not on the toy.

Any suggestions? I was thinking either the smooth on route, or doing a full tang version out of a lightweight but very durable wood, and coating with auto paint.




any suggestions would rock!
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Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

I think what you have done so far is pretty dead on:thumbsup I have to agree though, full scale would be massive, so people scale would be more accurate. LOL
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

I was halfway expecting something the size of two schoolbuses :)
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

If I were to attempt it, I'd go the smooth-on route, with a sealed hollow graphite or aluminum tube in the middle to provide support (like rebar). With the size you'll need it to be, unless you used balsa, I can't imaging wood being light enough. Though, you could try the rebar trick there too, and then a smooth-on or wood sealer coat to stiffen it up and provide a better painting surface.

Can't wait to see the build pics on this and I hope that helps :)
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

thanks all.

i meant "my scale" not 250 feet or whatever. ;)

yeah the wood route might suck.

the one i have now has rectangular aluminum in the center with a few offshoot vanes to support the "prongs"
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

ok, we get it. get off the title already. i cant change it, so its too late.

tech it is full human scale already. why would anyone build a 200 foot sword anyway! :p

id like to see THAT peacebonded.
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

ok, we get it. get off the title already. i cant change it, so its too late.

tech it is full human scale already. why would anyone build a 200 foot sword anyway! :p

id like to see THAT peacebonded.
if you go to your first post in the thread/ the thread starter post you can edit your title.

i think that all the ideas are great. i've made a few swords out of wood before and it would work but not be very strong. i'd worry about the prongs getting knocked off if you bumped it hard against a wall or something. the smooth-on approach may be your best bet, like Drewid wrote.
also, i need to ask why you didn't use a ruler or yard stick when you made the first one? i would definitely use one with your new build.
Re: Voltron's Blazing Sword - FULL SCALE

wasnt thick enough.

i tried somethign similar. a piece of spring steel. but i needed something thicker.

it works well in costume, but want somethign more authentic looking.
Hmmm... another possible material to use would be the casting rubber that Hyperfirms are made from. You might need a little extra skeleton in there, but that way the edges won't knick, ding, or crack as easy. Adding some carbon fiber prongs can add some structural support and help to keep the weight down.