Volpin's grand-ol April fools joke

Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

It won't take my hotmail/live, gmail, or my yahoo x.x I think it's a sign. Anyone else have issues?
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

Gah, Volpin your site hates our e-mail addresses. My e-mail is cylonproject2000@yahoo.com this is making me nuts. And if it matters I have been wanting to make a Tron DP costume since I saw the movie. Your helmet would make my dreams come true.
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

Looks like those of us who have hotmail and yahoo are left out lol. I keep retrying just in case but no luck
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

maybe for some reason it doesn't like mine or vagabonds cause it just said mine wasn't valid again and i'm logged in to it and my hotmail/live.
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

It's not just you, it also doesn't like my Yahoo or Gmail.

Made it thru woohoo!
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Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

About now I want to play Roshambo South Park style with someone, I'll go first.
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

Mine too. Hmmm..... Just in case he reads it here (Ha ha):

Dear Mr. Volpin,

Your electronics and the path you took from The RPF inspired me to agree to light up my friend's Daft Punk helmet. And my Daughters were amazed by it.

Oh!pEnions: To Jonathan
Re: Volpin DP helmet sweepstake!

wont take my email either.
so is this an april fools joke or not?