Value of CA Vader with Prowse sig?


New Member
Anyone happen to have a ballpark idea on the value of a beat up CA Vader Helmet, but that does have David Prowse's signature on it? I wasn't sure if this was a Junkyard question, as I don't actually intend to sell it, LOL.

If it was supposed to be in the JY, mods could you please move it?
About $10, but I'll give you $20 for it. Where do I paypal?:angel

jk -The CA's still seem to command a decent market price as they are far superior to the recent Rubies plastic version, as a base for conversion.

Having it signed by Prowse adds another few dollars I suppose.

I would guess between 175 - 225 dollars depending on the condition of the helmet and boldness of the sig - but I may be way off, it's a buyers market at the moment so it's worth whatever someone will pay.
Well, CAs used to go for $500++++ not too long ago as they were highly deisred as Trooping helmets because of thier light weight and easy mod-ability. They've seemed to decline in value recently though....I picked one up not too long ago for $180 and it was near mint. Prowse's sig may add $100 or so in value, I'm guessing.

***EDIT...Al beat me to it!
I have a DP CA Vader Helmet with a Prowse sig and a Jake Lloyd sig. would you add 100$ per sig roughly??. i also have the dome car painted with a high high gloss on it. and the face painted in the correct sceme. just curious i am not going to be selling it anytime soon.
If anything, I would say that the signature doesn't add anything to the price. Makes it worth less, even.
No idea on the helmet, but Dave Prowse's signature doesn't add much.
He's one of the most frequent Star Wars guests at conventions. His sig might be worth $20.
well what if i had macho man randy savage's autograph on my vader helm..

Well to a Vader helmet collector Prowse' signature would add to the value. How could it detract?

If it is mint condition, then I would say $200-250 plus another $50-75 for the signature. Yes they used to go for a lot of money. I think they are the best trooping helmets and can be modified to look very good. My first helmet was a DP CA and I still miss it to this day.

If it is beat up, then the signature won't make a difference. It would only be about $150 to $200 at most.
No idea on the helmet, but Dave Prowse's signature doesn't add much.
He's one of the most frequent Star Wars guests at conventions. His sig might be worth $20.
Well to a Vader helmet collector Prowse' signature would add to the value. How could it detract?
The trouble is that Mr. Prowse will sign (and has signed) just about anything. As such, his autograph isn't particularly rare or difficult to obtain, so it doesn't command the same price as, say, Sir Alec Guinness' autograph on a Star Wars item, which is extremely rare and can sell in the low three-figures. Depending on the collector, I'd say an extra $20-$35 for Prowse's signature sounds about right.
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The signatures worth whatever Prowse charges at cons these days i suppose.
It's not like he rarely appears at these things so you could buy whatever helmet/prop and have him sign it.
Thanks all. The question was mostly geared towards "Should I get a new helmet and retire this one".

My beat up old CA still does me fine for trooping and it sounds like there's no major value to make it worth putting up in cotton balls so I'll stick to it. :)