Troopers were SoCal 501'st, Vader was wearing Official LFL costume as well as Chewy I believe.
That was a GT chestbox and the paint scheme on Vader's face was reversed like on the Don Post Deluxe. ...
i'm just amazed the stormtroopers got down those stair without looking down......or falling down:lol, wonder how many times they rehearsed that
I'll 2nd that!No 3po??!! Blasphemy!!
i'm just amazed the stormtroopers got down those stair without looking down......or falling down:lol, wonder how many times they rehearsed that
Vader looked like the regular Vader promotional costume........lots of inaccuracies.......too many to list.
Troopers were a mixed bag of typical 501st attire. Some GF, some GT style suits.
Chewie was pretty good but the hair was so fluffed out on the sides it was hard to tell his head wasn't larger than his body.
R2 was the best of the bunch..........of course it's pretty hard to mess up R2 considering the R2 builders group nowadays!!!
That was a GT chestbox and the paint scheme on Vader's face was reversed like on the Don Post Deluxe. In the 501st SoCal...must have missed the invite...
They did a lot of editing! You could tell they were taking it slooooooow.