I'm sorry to say the folks with the actual dimensions won't give them out... But then again, it is guess work. So just do a bit of study of some stills and you'll find them yourself. :)
Which version? They do differ in size within the OT....

If someone pm's you the info...let the rest of us know. :D
I'm collecting for a ROTJ custume. I figure that they are made from project boxes for electronics. I've seen both aluminum and plastic at my local electronics store. I was just hoping someone would be nice enough to share the size info.
Hi Replicator, I can help with ROTJ dimensions.

I found some dimensions puporting to be accurate for Jedi boxes somewhere online, (I can't remember where) allegedly measured directly from an original costume part.

For Jedi the boxes were quoted as being:

4.375" x 3.375" x 2.375"

Someone here sourced great metal project boxes virtually the same size made by Bud Industies at Allied Electronics, I forget who it was but THANKS AGAIN. whoever you are :)

The boxes available here, vary only by about one or two tenths of an inch from the real measurememts.
"Sealed die-cast aluminum enclosure"

They seem to have no photo available but trust me they look great, you'll need to fill screw holes in each corner of the outer facing though, but if you want metal I'd recommend these for their near perfect size alone.

I found some dimensions puporting to be accurate for Jedi boxes somewhere online, (I can't remember where) allegedly measured directly from an original costume part.

For Jedi the boxes were quoted as being:

4.375" x 3.375" x 2.375"

I know exactly where those measurements came, the source and they arent screen accurate. In fact I can say they were a prototype. ;)

I have an original steel ESB/ROTJ vintage enclosure. My guess is that is easily 40 years old given the oxidation. Has what looks like the word Angein or Anjom on it. Ive got no idea what that means. French??

Those quoted dimensions are not quite right but you could get away if you werent too concerned about super screen accuracy. Unfortunately yes they are impossible to find. :unsure

Oh and as far as modern enclosures....if they are cast, they are not square.

Translation: they are slanted to accunt for drafting and water glancing.

I spent three frickin years trying fellas which is why I started making them:



Some of the modern cast versions have very thin screw holes which will yank out from the belt pressure (one of the other reasons I dont use them). I tried these with my first pair of bud boxes, and the backplate ripped open after a few costumed events. :angry
I'm calling you out on that statement Durasteel.
I don't believe you have an original vintage (or modern for that matter) ESB/ROTJ enclosure.
It is my opinion that you like to embelish in order to draw attention to your belt sales. Which if they are being touted as taken from original ESB/ROTJ style box, is totally untrue.

I absolutely hate when people make claims like that when it is obviously untrue in the eyes of people who know better. Problem is that most people don't know better and those are the ones who get taken advantage of.
I know exactly where those measurements came, the source and they arent screen accurate. In fact I can say they were a prototype. ;)

They came from DJ, if I remember correctly? Probably a tour suit or proto as Drew said, but I reckon they could've been ROTJ boxes.
I'm calling you out on that statement Durasteel.
I don't believe you have an original vintage (or modern for that matter) ESB/ROTJ enclosure.
It is my opinion that you like to embelish in order to draw attention to your belt sales. Which if they are being touted as taken from original ESB/ROTJ style box, is totally untrue.

I absolutely hate when people make claims like that when it is obviously untrue in the eyes of people who know better. Problem is that most people don't know better and those are the ones who get taken advantage of.

Thanks for the imput Mr. Info Share ;) You have a long history of taking without giving Gino (which amusingly enough was alluded to above no less). And you call me a liar to top it off. Seems to me you were warned by the moderators to stop. In fact I recall three times when you tried this same stunt. Absolutely amazing.

Now, if you quit blaming other people and did some intelligent research you might score a box too. Here a hint....try Europe. Wow...thats a revelation. :rolleyes

But by all means, Gino....please share. Oh, wait, I dont.
I'm just calling it as I see it and it's not cool to sell people stuff under the false assumption that what they are getting was taken from something that you don't have.

As far as me sharing, you got it all wrong. I DO share. I share a lot actually. Only I share with those close to me, like minded, and not with the public at large. That would explain why you are out of the loop.

Here's one for you.

Originally posted by GINO@Feb 22 2006, 05:57 PM
I'm just calling it as I see it and it's not cool to sell people stuff under the false assumption that what they are getting was taken from something that you don't have.

As far as me sharing, you got it all wrong. I DO share. I share a lot actually. Only I share with those close to me and not with the public at large. That would explain why you are out of the loop.

Here's one for you.

So... what would be a good source for someone who is trying to put together an ESB Vader? If the few who know the dimensions aren't saying, and say everyone else is wrong.. what is the point?
I guess sometimes the point is lost on the majority, by those that refuse to share in the info. Don't get discouraged - keep diging around, you might get lucky.
Originally posted by anakin@Feb 22 2006, 07:14 PM
I guess sometimes the point is lost on the majority, by those that refuse to share in the info. Don't get discouraged - keep diging around, you might get lucky.

Well, Seeing as how I have the prop making aptitude of a drunk Penguin, I'll pourchase the chest box, and belt boxes when I'm ready. But it is extemely discouraging to know that they won't be 'accurate', because some love to horde the knowledge.
Originally posted by GINO@Feb 22 2006, 06:57 PM

Looks great.

Can we see a few more?

The boxes that are 4.375 x 3.375 are reasonably close, I believe they should be just a little bigger. less than a 0.25 inch.
Originally posted by vader71@Feb 22 2006, 09:19 PM
Looks great.

Can we see a few more?

Here's another one.

Also, for those who don't understand the apprehension for some to not give away the farm in terms of their research or findings, I say you haven't been in the hobby long enough. It certainly is not hoarding for the sake of being selfish. I tend to share things with people who think like me in regards to props, have the exact same goals in mind, and those who I've established a sense of trust with.

Thanks for sharing anouther shot. I enjoy seeing the better Vaders.

Its a motivation to push me to get to the finish line with mine someday. But mine is ANH and as noted there is yet to be a perfect helmet.

Question if I may, is the belt and boxes the only weathered item on the Vader?
Theoretically, it shouldn't be too difficult to get near accurate dimensions on those belt boxes, based on those pics. If you know precise dimensions of any of the items on Vader, You should be able to extrapolate the size of the boxes.

Still, it is incredibly disenheartening. A prop board where.. people don't share about props? Bizarre.
Originally posted by SHalamar@Feb 22 2006, 10:48 PM
Still, it is incredibly disenheartening.  A prop board where.. people don't share about props?  Bizarre.
Disheartening, yes but not without reason. Some of the crafters here have been burned and burned badly from seemingly innocuous requests, like belt box dimensions or hi res photos for example. As of now on the RPF, it is the nature of the beast. People have invested sometimes hundreds of man hours in research. Some of it is digging with people who are truly in the know, other times it is attempting to get measurements from exhibits and such.

While sad to see, I can readily understand where they are coming from in their reluctance. You will get close approximations from just blowing up some good pics to lifesize and working from there.