Vader ANH chestbox lights

Those are generally the correct size and similar in overall shape, but the original ANH chestbox red/green lenses were just transluscent lense inserts from a military aircraft pushbutton. Occasionally I sell the actual original part used. I'm currently awaiting an order for these which I sell in pairs for $99. Because the original chestbox had no lighting installed, these lenses were simply glued to the front of the chestbox. If you want something close, what you found will work, if you want it accurate, you want the real lenses used. If you want to talk about it more, pm me anytime.

Dave :)

Hello all. I just thought I'd post what I found while looking for some vader chestbox lights. I'm in the process of building my vader costume and I came across this place

Their catalog detail is below.

Looking at part no. 50-002-12 green, 50-002-14 red seems promising. I just have to figure out how to get them now. :confused

Hello all. I just thought I'd post what I found while looking for some vader chestbox lights. I'm in the process of building my vader costume and I came across this place

Their catalog detail is below.

Looking at part no. 50-002-12 green, 50-002-14 red seems promising. I just have to figure out how to get them now. :confused


I came across the green lights that you mention here for sale on the "bay".
Sitharmor sells 4 of the green ones for use on the belt boxes, which is what I used on my boxes.
I assume you are looking at these for the beltbox and not the chestbox? Either way I would say they will not work well for an ANH Vader. For the chestbox Lonepigeon has the right ones, and I understand that VaderDarth does too. There are a couple of other people on the board who also have them as I understand. You might be able to find some resin ones if you did not need to be super accurate, since they don't light up anyway.

The ones you found would be closer to the belt lights on an ESB or ROTJ Vader I think.
I have the belt box lights. I was actually hoping to use these for the chest box. I was thinking about popping off the green plastic top from the button however I'm going to try and get one from lonepigeon, which leaves the red one.
I should have the red within 3 weeks. At least that was what they told me when I called to track down my order yesterday.

Dave :)
I found these last year that I used on a GT/clone ROTJ chest box for less than 10.00 shipped. They are just the lenes without the base, however the base is not very hard to make as seen here.
Pardon the fingerprints:redface

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They are not easy to find sometimes, and getting harder to locate. I just looked at my two sources for these and one said that these are discontinued, and the other lists them as backordered.
On the other hand. I spent about 30 some odd hours searching dozens of sites looking through hundreds of lists to find these. If my time was worth say just 7.00 an hour that's 210.00 + the parts price.
So maybe Dave's price isn't to bad after all?
Yup, I wish I had only spent 30 hours searching for these little gems. My source is a secondary market to begin with and what's worse they are associated with military aircraft parts (as you know are terribly expensive). Unfortunately in order to get a relatively decent price, I'd have to buy 100 of these at a time, and I just don't have that kind of $$$$. So I pay for no more than 10 at a time. It sucks but you have to pay out the nose for that few.

Most of the places I have tried tell me it's discontinued (true by the way), and others that say it's on backorder.........leave me hanging for months only to eventually tell me it's (yes kiddies...) discontinued!!!! It's maddening.

This may be another dead end that I'm chasing right now as I just got notified these things have a 3 week lead time. In other words (backorder). If I don't have them within 3 weeks, I'm giving up. I have other props to research.

Dave :)
Well that beats what I can do. If everyone jumps on Kurtyboy's order, I'll just call and cancel mine. I'll never unload mine if he can sell them for that price. Peace,
