Update: Electronics guru's, Thanks! right batteries found. working pics/vid post 5


Sr Member
Ok, curiosity got the better of me & I opened it. There was only 1 little dab of super glue holding it together and that was from the bottom plastic bit being glued on. The prop department actually designed it to be magnetically held shut with magnets in each side of the aluminum halves! Anyway, the batteries were removed from it and I've spent to morning hitting the electronics parts sites trying to ID the style battery holder on the board with no luck. Any electronics guru's able to ID the battery holder size/type so I know what type of batteries to use?


(original text)Anyone work for/know someone who works at Bridge Studios/MGM Stargate prop dept?

I thought there was a post awhile back that someone at least knew someone in the SG-1/Atlantis prop department.

I just got a hero TER/Kull warrior killer P90 module.



There's no obvious switch to turn the LED's on in the center crystal/power module. Was looking for info on how they were set up/made to see if I could get it working before just popping the super glue all loose and pulling it apart further risking major damage. I was handling the crystal/power module and the bottom 2 dabs of super glue let go on the bottom plastic grate. So its just separating the 2 aluminum halves & hoping I don't damage the top front clear piece.


The little black nub with wires coming out almost looks like to be a magnetic switch to me & there is a magnet in the bottom slot that it slides into in about the same location. But it doesn't light up when in the slot or if I hold a rare earth magnet near the switch. Not sure how daring I want to be if its just a dead battery :love but I'm hoping to get a Tokyo Mauri FN90 for display and have one of the 'cannon' scope mounts & scorpion flashlights already to go with the TER/Kull module.

Any help/info is appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Update: Electronics guru's, need help finding the right batter size

It looks like regular watch batteries (4 of them, from what I see). Most every watch battery is the same voltage, and is only different from the next because of physical size. You're probably gonna have to just try some out, and see what fits.
Re: Update: Electronics guru's, need help finding the right batter size

Erm, can you take a closer and clearer picture of the circuit board and the "magnetic switch" and also on both sides? As for the batteries, they are watch batteries. As for the "magnetic" switch, try orienting the magnet in front. Sometimes, the poles would either make the switch close or Open, I think.
Re: Update: Electronics guru's, need help finding the right batter size

I made a size template for the battery holders and went to Wal-mart this afternoon to check the watch batteries. 2025's seemed about the right size so I got those and tried. They fit just snug width and height. It worked as soon as the magnet in the slot got close to the switch. Thank you for the suggestion.

