

New Member
Hi guys! I have not been on here much in the last months or so. I was given the bug for collecting real screen used props and costumes from another member here.....so that is what i have been doing.

I thought i might post pics of some of the things i have picked up recently...

These are the square guns carried throughout the movie by Milla Jovovich in "Ultraviolet". They are designed to hold a gas cartridge which operates the moving slide on these guns to simulate live fire action.

I also picked up a couple of the bladed guns that she uses while wearing her blood red outfit near the end of the film. PM me if you are interested and i will se about posting pics of those too

let me know what you think about these....
This movie was horrible! I *LOVED* it! To me it was so bad it was great. I can't explain it. Nice addition!
Everybody rags on this movie so much but I thought it was just fine. It was visually stunning and I thought the effects were great. Not to mention I'll watch anything that has Milla beating people up!

I'd love to see some of the other weapons you've got there. The square guns look pretty neat and not that hard to replicate... maybe not with a gas system but an electric blowback pistol might serve as a great base! hmmm...
Getting the bullets to spill in from your wrists might be a little tricky though.
I'd be interested in seeing pics of the other guns you have. I thought Ultraviolet was okay - I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would (and I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to movies, Daredevil, Elektra, X-men 3, I loved them).

I think my problem with the movie is that the first fight or two conveyed such an impression of her being invincible, that I never felt she was in danger. Even in the last fight when she was hurt, I never felt she could possibly loose. Great effects and action though, just a hair too far past believability.
Never saw the film, but those are some mighty shiny guns. So these are the actual guns Milla used in the film? That's awesome!

Be sure to post pictures of the others!
The movie was interesting in its own right, had some interesting ideas, acting wasnt all that great, but as far as action/blow them up/girls in tight outfits movies go, it wasnt that bad (i actually liked most of the sword fight at the end). I'd love to see some pics of the bladed guns. Anyone have the main villans sword at the end? pls post pics!
cool guns!!! thanks for posting pics!
this movie is one of my many guilty pleasures. :)
would love to see the other items you picked up.
thanks for all the comments guys. i am going to try to get some good pics of the bladed guns up by tomorrow! i will start a new thread for those so keep watching!