UK members, anyone here interested in obtaining a couple vintage AS handwheels?

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
OK. So, here is the deal. I am looking for a member here, who lives in or near London. The reason being that I know, with almost complete certainty, of a bathroom in London that has at least 4 original vintage Armitage Shanks handwheels--the correct vintage version that was used on OWK's lightsaber in Star Wars ANH. However, since I live in the US I cannot take advatnge of this fact without some help. So, what I am offering is, if one of our UK members here is willing to go through th trouble of obtaining these handwheels, and will agree to send me one of them, I will supply the whereabouts of these handwheels and he/she can keep the other 3. (Remember, one of these handwheels just sold last week on e-bay for £250.00)

Anyone interested?


Dan Stokes
I think there was discussions about this in the past. I won't reveal where they are as I don't want to undermine the thread, but if I recall nobody who tried last time had any luck getting them to change their tap handles just to let us have them.

Best of luck though, be a nice score if they hand them over