when THE ART OF STAR WARS exhibition was in Singapore until April 2006, I managed to snap some photos of the Imperial Shuttle. Two models of the shuttle were on display, one bigger than the other. I did get some close-ups . Below are some samples. Hope they prove useful to you:
Resized photo of the smaller shuttle:
Close-up/crop of the smaller shuttle from the unresized photo:
Resized photo showing bottom view of bigger shuttle:
Close-up/crop of the bigger shuttle from the unresized photo:
Close-up/crop of the bigger shuttle (closer look at detailing) from the unresized photo:
As a bonus of sorts. Photo of Death Star 2 matte painting:
Ultra close-up of the docking bay:
GF, if you need the unresized pix, PM me your email address and I'll send them to you in batches.