TV and Movie Key Props


New Member
I've become completely obsessed with collecting and making replicas of keys seen in genre movies and TV shows. Here's my collection so far...

Keys01.jpg Keys02.jpg

I'm nearly finished with the keys to Futurama's Planet Express ship. I'll add them here when they are done!

I've scoured this site and many others to start building a database of keys. You can see what I have so far here: (43K Excel spreadsheet)
I'd love to hear any additions you can think of!
What a great list! There's even a few on there I hadn't thought of. And a few I've been meaning to add to my list but forgot about! :)
Yeah, I see keys like that a lot on eBay. Not sure who makes them or what they go to. What did the key open on the show?


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I also see them with the crossbar opposite the barrel.

Yeah, I see keys like that a lot on eBay. Not sure who makes them or what they go to. What did the key open on the show?

That's very cool! If you find something close to an exact match in your key searches, please let me know.

It's a key for this wooden box:


Which houses this:
That's very cool! If you find something close to an exact match in your key searches, please let me know.

I'm fairly certain it's this key (Item # 4469 looks like the right bit):


It looks like the same kind of half-mortise lock you can see on the inside of the box. :)

There's this one that's close as well (about $15 cheaper, but brass plated):
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Great collection. At first I thought the red and white keys were from Superman 3 but no! Where are they from?
I then realised you don't have the Superman 3 keys on your list, so that's my suggestion!

I think you mean the destruct/abort keys from The Andromeda Strain.

Thanks for the tip on the Superman keys! I'll add them to the list!
How about the clear plastic 2 piece key from City of Ember. can't see a TARDIS key there, a normal yale one and the one with the chip added.
How about the clear plastic 2 piece key from City of Ember. can't see a TARDIS key there, a normal yale one and the one with the chip added.

The Ember keys are in the spreadsheet, and there are three Tardis keys in the lower right box of the left shelf unit. I have Yale there, but not the chip version -- yet!
I love this idea, and I have a collection of 10 or so pop-culture keys myself! Great collection so far!!

If you want to branch out into comics, there is a goldmine to be had in the series Locke & Key, which is all about Lovecraftian magic and keys with mysterious powers. Skelton Crew Studios has produced quite a few replicas, and they're gorgeous:

And if video games are an option, Bioshock Infinite had this cool design (which you can probably still find on eBay, they made a promo keychain of it):