

Well-Known Member
I realize I am a new member, however I have been reading posts for quite some time. The one thing I noticed is there are tutorials but they are spread out across the entire board. My suggestion is to create a tutorials section with threads specified towards each of the subjects. Is this possible? Is this desired? I am a film industry professional with 19 years of knowledge and I like to help out when I can as well as learn a new thing or 2, however I cant look through every post. And yes I can use the search fuction but this doesnt allways cut it.

Does anyone agree with my thouhgts?
Does the RPF have any plans to do this?

Would love to know

All the best

minieffects :)
Yodaman is our Archives moderator. The RPF has lost tons of valauable information and images over the years. We now have a reliable way to store both in the Archive section.

As it grows, it is going to need to be organized more efficiently. If you are interested on offerring up any completed tutorials or starting one in the main forum we would be delighted to see it happen.

Anytime you see ANY thread you feel is worthy of the Archives please let Yodaman know so he can start preserving images etc while the thread is still active. One of our biggest set backs has been members hosting images from a remote site for only a few days while the thread is first page priority. Too many times images get deleted before the thread has run it's course and we miss out on excellent reference photos for archiving.
Thanks for the info. I would love to post some in the future as soon as I get some time.

Thanks again
