Trying to learn about sources for CASTS of screenused STAR WARS items


Master Member
I am assuming this question belongs in Replicas.

I would love if members could let me know about various options for casts of screenused items from Star Wars.

For example, I am aware of the EFX Vader helmet being planned, but any other sources? Cast Boba helmets? Cast Storm Trooper helmets? Cast lightsabers?

Depends on what you need. Gino's doin some great stuff as is sskunky on the trooper front . Brundlefly had some great Luke rotj resin stunt sabers. I just offloaded some prequel stuff and still have a bit left.

There's a lot of cast from original stuff out there just depends what you need.

There has been some good casts of screen blasters - the stunt ESB E11 and the stunt Rebel fleet blaster both spring to mind.

Pyro X Wings have been on offer lately as well.

Thre's a casting of one of the screen used Sith statues from the prequels still in the junkyard. I bought the other to complete the set.

There has been some good casts of screen blasters - the stunt ESB E11 and the stunt Rebel fleet blaster both spring to mind.

Pyro X Wings have been on offer lately as well.
