Truly epic animated series... Recommendations?

Kino's Journey. Also known as Kino no Tabi. Each episode is a unique look into humanity as the main character travels to different (not real) countries. Very thought provoking and I would put it up there with Mushishi in regards to its simplistic ability to make you think.

Bottom line, its ****ing incredible.
Just found this thread so I'm not scrolling through the entire thing, but my favs:

Super dimensional fortress Macross(subtitled original)

Star Blazers

Roughnecks: Starshiptrooper chronicles(very underrated show. Ambitious for it's time)
Macross is the pure definition of space opera. I've never seen anything so tight. 36 episodes where even the flashback episodes have character development.

To me, there's a lot of similarities to the rdm Galactica. But if only they followed macross a bit closer, they my not have fallen as badly off track
Another vote for the original Robotech/Macross, which would make an epic space opera if turned into a film series. Just not by Michael Bay.
Some adult anime shows:
Elfen Lied.
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne.
The last two had content not suitable for kids, but had good/interesting stories with resolution at the end. They weren't just fan service shows for the sake of fan service. Sure, plenty of fan service, but neat science fiction/fantasy shows.
I recommend against watching robotech. When they translated the show, they tweeked the plot too much and it's now totally convoluted. Whereas macross is quite fluid.

I actually prefer the american voice actors, but they screwed up the plot way to much.
I have to throw out more love for:

Outlaw Star and Cowboy BeBop.
Great Shows!

I know this is a little new for the sake of the OP but to those still reading I have high praise for the Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. Is is a great show with writers that really dug the original. There are nods and in-jokes everywhere! Plus there is a overreaching story arc that lasts for two seasons and is mentioned or drives nearly every episode. As a bonus to Hanna Barbarra fans the "Sidekicks" and "Blue Falcon" episodes are to DIE for!!! I laughed so hard I cried in the sidekicks one! It has a nice beginning middle and end and leaves you wanting and maybe getting a little more?

...of course it is really hard to beat Avatar and the first season of Korra was good...I hope season two holds up well!
Just going to update this thread with a couple of newer shows I've seen. First is Gatchaman Crowds. First season has recently ended after 12 episodes. It's a newer take on the original series but it's definitely not your father's Gatchaman.

The other show I've been watching is Kill la Kill. Only 3 episodes have aired so far and it's done by the same people who did Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. So, if you're a fan of TTGL, you will most likely enjoy this new project that they're involved in.
I always loved the one with the girl and the giant bugs... Can't remember the name of it but it was well made! I don't know it they made sequels but they should have. The bugs were taking over the world and left spores all the place...
Kimagure: Orange Road. The series itself is a light romance situation comedy about a family with psychic powers.
Alternatively you can also just watch the OAVs.
The movie, "I Want To Go Back To That Day" which concludes the series is very well written and a real gem - especially if you invested the time to know these characters. There was a second second sequel which was pretty ho-hum IMO.

Sword Art Online - real people trapped in a VR MMORPG. First half of the series is better than the second half IMO. Still worth watching.

Binbougami ga! - a god of misfortune comes to wreck havoc on a high school girl who just has too much good luck. Odd-couple type comedy and outrageous anime.
Oh, I figure I should throw my 2 cents worth in as well with some of my favorite anime:

Ranma 1/2
Read or Die
Read or Dream (R.O.D. TV)
Tenchi Miyu
Dragon Half
Steel Angel Kirumi
Bubblegum Crisis
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
Nuku Nuku Dash
Love Hina
Blue Seed
Blue Submarine No. 6
Angelic Layer
Strike Witches
Girls Und Panzer
Vividred Operation
Full Metal Alchemist
Captain Harlock
Black Jack
Outlaw Star
Galaxy Express
Dirty Pair
Oh! Edo Rocket
Ah! My Goddess
Tiger & Bunny
Bodacious Space Pirates
A Certain Magical Index
A Certain Scientific Railgun
Robotics: Notes
Eureka Seven
Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
Ai Yori Aoshi
Maison Ikkoku
Mermaid Scar
Pixie Junket
Battle Angel Alita
Chrono Crusade
Valvrave the Liberator
Blue Gender
Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstance)

And before anyone mentions it, yes my tastes in anime are all over the board depending on my mood. LOL! But these are all great anime be they one shots, short series, long epics, romantic comedies, fantasy, or hardcore science fiction. :)
if you like super weird go for the new Neon Genesis Evengalion movies, they're remakes of the original series with new story bits. Also if you like off the wall go with Excel saga, it's way over the top goofy.
When I was young, my favorites were Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamoto in Japan) and Force Five, which was Gaiking, Grandizer, Starvengers, and the like. Star Blazers is probably what you want here for character development and just a fracking good time.
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