bounty treasure

Well-Known Member
1) Does the adhesive have a shelf life? Have some un-used on the shelf that's been around a few years... Guessing best to get some new?

2) Any particular brand (or approach) work better than another?

I'm planning on gluing one seam, and velcro'ing the flip side...

Does gluing on those hold sufficiently when it comes to flexing the pieces a bit?

Any other suggestions for 'assembling' the armor?

You'll want to use 'industrial strength' velcro, can be found at most hardware stores.
Industrial velcro sticks extremly well. If your overly concerned you can always add a few drops of CA/ Superglue.
As for tips....If you can swing it don't velcro anything but the back of the calf pieces. Velcro is infamous for maintenance during troops. If you can just have everything glued together and fit properly, then use a snap and harness system so everything is solid and always fits and stays in place.

Of course if it won't fit you with glueing all the seams, then you're relegated to the velcro route and as was mentioned go with the industrial velcro.:thumbsup
A good trick for getting Velcro to stick well, is to lightly rough up the surface you're going to adhere the Velcro to and then paint on some high strength contact cement.
Let the cement dry and then stick the Velcro to that. You can also use CA kicker as a primer on most plastics to help adhesion. Squirt/mist it on then let it dry.
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