Transylvania Television Halloween Special

Hi guys!

Last year I did a project at that patronage website. I was raising money to help produce the Transylvania Television Real Meanin' Of Halloween Special Show.

Well, long story short, we reached our goal, we made our one-hour broadcast Halloween Special, and we got it on the air on our local CW affiliate in time for Halloween 2010.

And now YOU can watch it as well at this url:

TVTV Real Meanin of Halloween Special Show - Transylvania Television -

NOTE: Its a puppet show for GROWN UPS. So I'd suggest you watch it before you let the kids watch. Its not puppetporn or anything like that, but its grown-up material. Like Avenue Q meets the Munsters.

Let me know what you think!

Won't play for some reason. I just caught a few episodes on Youtube, looks pretty cool.
Thanks Robn1!

I'm sorry the viewer didn't work for you. Another of the great mysteries of the internet... frankly, it only works intermittently for me as well. But I have a co-producer who's addicted to high-end video players.

We will have the Halloween Special available on DVD shortly, so you will probably be able to order it from the website if you like our regular stuff.

Transylvania Television

Fun to watch. A ton of geek jokes buried about in it as well a few tributes to other Halloween themes. Can't help but think this is aimed specifically at a target segmentation or two given such.
I remember when you were raising the funds for this...nice to see that the project went through!

Well, Tripoli, we wrote what we thought was funny... especially given the history of our characters in the web episodes. Just following advice from the MST3K guys... "write the jokes you think are funny and the right people will get them." Of course, the writers couldn't resist plopping in some "inside" stuff for the folks who watched all our web shows. In fact, there are some inside jokes in the Halloween Special that will payoff retroactively... since some of the inside gags haven't even been referenced yet in Season 3!

howlingwind13, yes... we made it through the Kickstarter fundraising and managed to get our show produced and on the air last October. Very proud of that fact.

Oh, I think I know a few geek sites that would pop this up... I think I can help you there. :)