Trailer Recollections


Master Member
Ya, this topic is going to underwhelm everyone like crazy, but here it goes.

For the longest time, I've searched and searched for an Apollo 13 trailer that is not featured on any DVD, Laserdisc or websites. Well, the strangest thing happened today when I was doing some research on Laser Discs. Some one was posting pre-movie trailers that appears in front of the movie on VHS tapes. One of them was Waterworld and look what showed up.


Wow. I thought I'd never see it again. I knew this trailer existed because even at 12 years old, I loved movie soundtracks, and I instantly recognized it as Jerry Goldsmith's music from Total Recall. Specifically the track titled "The Mutant" from the soundtrack. Even in the real trailer that is widely available has about 3 seconds of the music where this one was all Goldsmith.

This is one of those rare trailers that freaked me out as a kid. The image of the Apollo ship losing Oxygen, getting smaller and smaller as the camera gets further away and how far they are from Earth would have been enough to scare me, but what did that trailer department do? Throw in non-stop chatter as this all happens.

"Their heart rates are skyrocketing."
"We got a 401 alarm."
"That can't be real.."

"I, uh. I, uh. I keep losing radio signal."
"That can't happen. It's gotta be instrumentation."
"We got some serious time pressure here."
"We're looking at less than 15 minutes of life support left."
"Flight, they're all over the place."
"Damn, we're losing it!"

Holy sh&%..... They're gona die! I don't want to see this movie! :cry

Bear in mind, I did not know a lot about the Apollo space program at this. I didn't even know that much about Nasa other than they went to the moon and had that big shuttle. My parents were gracious enough to not tell me what happens in the story, but were cruel enough to let me know that this did in fact happen in real life. And oh yes, my stomach twisted and turned when the movie was finally released and it really felt like getting ready for a space flight.

Any trailers you remember that affected you like that? I got some more, but this one is special since it brought back so many memories of what used to scare me as a kid and how engaging trailers used to be.
I remember two trailers that scared the HELL out of me as a kid. The one for the movie "Magic" and the one for "Susperia". I had nightmare based soley on the trailers.
I remember the one trailer that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.
It was the trailer for "It's Alive".
It basically showed a black baby carriage slowly rotating.....when it finally makes a full rotation , a deformed claw is revealed hanging off the edge.

Still kind of creeps me out.
I remember when I was about 4-5 years old in 1989, we went to a theme park somewhere out of Texas. This theme park had televisions that were showing TV sized previews for "The Abyss". The image of Ed Harris in his swim suit helmet screaming at the top of his lungs (Scene with him and Lindsey in the leaking sub) scared me as a kid. I was little, full of imagination and little on understanding so I had no idea why he was screaming. Plus I was scared of swimming so seeing them submerged in water certainly added to the effect.

But the funny part? The TV spot was on a CONTINUOUS LOOP! Waiting in line for something turned into a nightmare as I had to cover my ears when the scream came up.

Kind of sad considering that the Abyss ended up being one of my all time favorite films (SPECIAL EDITION!). When we eventually saw it in theaters, we got to the theater a whole 30 minutes late yet we still walked in to see it. I don't think we've ever been so late to a showing.
I got/still get goosebumps when the Lucasfilm logo appears and the music starts.
Trailer for Phantom Menace was a great opening. So much promise.....

LOTR was another. So too was Navy Seals with Mike Biehn.
Funny you mention the trailer for the Phantom Menace. After my experience with that, I no longer watch movie trailers for movies that I'm eagerly anticipating, and will (aside from casting and maybe costumes) put myself in a general media blackout for them. Better not to go in with any preconceived notions.
I remember seeing the trailer to "Ladyhawke" and being really excited to go see it... Unfortunately the trailer on youtube isn't the one I remember. :(

It did not disappoint and is still one of my favorite movies.
Ladyhawke's fun, but I can't take Broderick's "accent", nor the 80s synth score. Otherwise, it's a decent 80s sword & sorcery film.
The very first Jurassic Park trailer was pretty amazing!

I remember going crazy at the very end when you see the raptor's breath on the window!!

hmmm, I may be wrong, but I dont think that was the first trailer. I remember as a kid seeing a trailer that had no dinosaurs whatsoever. All it had was digging for the amber and dino roars...I always thought that was the first one

Also, I cant remember what documentary or video segment but they mentioned the same trailer being the first jurassic park trailer and how spielberg was a genius for doing it that way

Great trailer..Makes me want to watch jurassic park when I get home tonight
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The first trailer for Jurassic Park (the teaser) was completely original footage shot specifically for it:

I remember being pretty excited by it.

That one is great as well! I just figured it was considered more of a teaser than an actual trailer.

I also remembered that brief scene where Ellie grabs the leaf when she's in the jeep. It was cut from the movie, but it took place right before they pull up to see the Brachiosaurus for the first time, which is why she has the extinct plant leaf in the jeep... Which leads me to the question, how did they go about cloning plants? Did they find other types of bugs in amber that ate the plants, so they were able to clone them....? Haha!!

Anyway, both trailers rock! They don't really make many teasers using non-movie footage anymore it seems... The last big one I remember was for Spider-Man (with the helicopter caught in the web between the twin towers). I love when they go all out for a teaser, makes the movie seem more like an event!