Trailer Park Boys


Master Member
Queue it up on Netflix now! Another gem that somehow got past me when it first aired.

Dats a really good ****ing barbeque!

I never watched it a lot, but every episode I did watch had me in tears! Bubbles rules! :lol

Bubbles does rule. I wish I would have known when they came to town earlier this year.
I'm glad this never got the Hollywood treatment.

" greasy hamburger eating F*ck."
I met Randy and Lahey couple years ago, they were hilarious. They played a stand-up show in the town I used to live in and I got a picture of the two of them signed. I'll post up the pics of me with the two of them when I find it.
yeah it's awesome! I'm on the 4th season and its only getting better, Bubbles ROCKS!

<knock> <knock> "F-off Lahey"... Come on guys... Cigs and Chips!

- Jeff
Trailer Park Boys is absolutely the greatest. Some of the stupidest lines come from Trevor and Cory:lol. Bubbles is definitely my favorite though.
Man, i have loved that show since the beginning. Then I got my gf hooked on it. Now if only I could find me a Conky doll.......

Hampton the Bible Salesman: "Can you read my son?"
Bubbles: "Well that depends... can you go f*ck yourself?"
*cut to opening credits*
YouTube - bubbles and the bible pimp

Best Canadian show ever! :cool Got the whole series on DVD including the two movies. Even went dressed as Trailer Park Boys for a couple Halloweens. I went as Ricky.

Another favourite scene is where they were driving in the Bronco pulling the airstream, and after Bubbles flips it to avoid the kitty, Julian gets out with unspilt rum and coke in hand. :lol:thumbsup(y)cool

And some people forget Ellen Page started her career on this show as Lahey's daughter.
Will never forget the first time I saw this on Showcase.It seemed soo real yet soo insane at the same time.I was hooked.
I saw this on Netflix and thought it looked like a stupid Beavis and Butthead knockoff so I glanced over it...glad I saw this thread. I will go back and que them up.

The RPF comes to my rescue again, always ensuring I am kept well informed of obscure film gems.
HOLY AWESOME. Ran across this thread about a week ago, watched the entire 7 seasons and the movies since then... this show is just straight up DOPE! :lol

I havent really LOL in a long time at shows, but many many scenes are just plain hilarious.

The first two seasons imho were the best, from then on there are gems in each season.. but the first 2 are pure gold.

Growing up my parents had a house trailer in a tailer park on a lake in North Carolina, I spend almost every weekend there and it reminds me of those times.. much more extreme... but we had our characters too. lol

Thanks for posting this.

Here is a link to every episode and movie, in order streaming on youtube.

TrailerPark Boys

I'm on episode 30-something and starting to plateau. They take jail time so lightly. I remember Julian saying the next time he goes to jail, he's getting 8 years. Sure enough, the next time he goes to jail, he's out in no time.
Sure the series has a formula:
Episode 1 get out up jail
Middle Episodes: try to score some easy cash, eff with Lahey and Randy
Last episode: go back to season repeat.

I have learned from watching this series, that life isn't all fun and games in the Trailer have to watch out for raycons, f*ck'n sea gulls and samsquanches.

Have you seen the episodes with Alex Lifeson and Sebastian Bach? You have to watch "Countdown to Liquor Day"