TOS Galactica Holster (Apollo's version)


Master Member
In research I discovered that Richard Hatch did not have a regular lefty holster made for him (they seemed to have only produced right-handed holsters in pre-production) - I can only assume that at the last second wardrobe found out that one of their stars was left-handed & cranked one out just before filming.

As to how they did it... look closely.
LOL, all they did was slide a righty holster to the left side & chop a path through what WAS the front to allow for the trigger guard to slide through (A).:lol

Notice (B) that the space was closed up some to hold the laser tight.
So, Apollo had a rather unique holster. Here's my version:

And with gun securely in it:

Update when I'm actually done.:cool
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Never underestimate the creativity of a prop or wardrobe department under a deadline!
Yeah, and I've read that while filming the pilot, they were plagued with small stupid problems- many of the costumes were still being sized to the cast, and MANY safety pins were employed just out of camera view.:lol
yeah, it seems the prop department was not ready for ANY lefties, Since Athena also had the converted holster When she wore one.

Very interesting :)
Herb was wearing a Tunic and a towel all through the first day no pants for Mr Jefferson! :lol

many of the costumes were still being sized to the cast, and MANY safety pins were employed just out of camera view.:lol
yeah, it seems the prop department was not ready for ANY lefties, Since Athena also had the converted holster When she wore one.

Very interesting :)

I've got the Athena holster (and belt) and it was definitely another in addition to the Apollo holster.

Apogee didn't make any left holsters, other than the right-to-left conversions. About halfway through the season, After Apogee was out of the picture, Universal made a few true lefts for the principals to use when they were sporting two holsters.

None of the holsters were brown plastic. All were painted.

About halfway through the season, After Apogee was out of the picture, Universal made a few true lefts for the principals to use when they were sporting two holsters.

None of the holsters were brown plastic. All were painted.
Yeah, Apollo's holster in Experiment in Terra was a true (white) leftie.:love