Toronto Prop Party 2008 - New Details in FIRST POST

Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Yeah it looks like the date has been set Aug 16th.
Maybe the title could be changed to reflect that fact?

So now, exactly who is hosting this clambake and where?
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Any details forthcoming?
I have an alternate event to attend if this one is gonna be DOA.
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Copied from First Post

***New Details as of July 4th***
Ok folks, I've got the Community Center right down the street from where I live and they have a fantastic room they'll rent to us for this event. That right there is great news! As for the date...this needs to be Mid September to Early October. Not sooner...I just cant do it in Aug as I hoped. Not only do we have the Fan Expo that month but things are snowballing here and fast! I really need to do this in a time of 'peace'..if such a thing even exists in my life now...LOL

I'm looking to book the first Saturday of October for this...unless most of you prefer earlier.

So lets decide on the date and get it booked. Besides...come Oct I'll have tonnes of new things to display and with some luck that date works for most, if not all of you!!!!!

Lets hear your thoughts!

So, we have place but the date is changed?
I don' know if I can get to Toronto in Sept or Oct as
I will be back in school, and haven't yet set my schedule.

On the plus side, I can now attend the R2 builders meet
that was just was announced in New Hampshire on Aug 16th.

So we need a new vote

Sept 20
Sept 27
Oct 4
Oct 11
Oct 18
Which weekend is Thanksgiving (Canadian)? I'm off with family that weekend, otherwise the rest of the dates are good.
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