Toronto Prop Party 2008 - New Details in FIRST POST

Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Hey everyone!!
Let's bump this up and get back to disucssing the date! Also I may have found a really cool location for this years party. The Richmond Hill Community Center is just down the street from here and really easy to get to. I'll be meeting with someone there later today to see what our options are.

Now regarding the date, June 7th wont work for me but I'd like to get more input from everyone here and see if we cant nail down a date once and for all. June, July, August....obviously the sooner the better but as long as we decide on a date I think the rest will fall into place!

Bad weekends for me are the following...
June 21-22 (I'll be at the IMATS in Pasadena working for Chavant)
July 12-13 (Paradise Comic Con in Toronto)
Aug 22-24 (Rue Morgue Festiveal of Fear Toronto)

Anything around those dates can work for me...but let's hear what the rest of you think...otherwise I'll just pick the most convenient weekend for me and be done with it :) ....just kidding. :)

Let's hear ya'!


Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

I should be good pretty much any weekend except June 21st as mentioned above.
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Given time is passing quite quickly I think it might be best to choose an official date since most people I have spoken to are waiting to know what the date is before even concidering going or commenting. Plus no one seems to be putting forth any opinions on dates. :p
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

"July 12-13 (Paradise Comic Con in Toronto)"

Isn't that the weekend of Polaris (the old Toronto Trek)

Are they both on the same weekend??
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Last weekend of July is bad for me... got a wedding... damn people and their damn getting married and being in love... to hell with them!:lol

While we're at it, Aug 9-10 is no good for me either.

What about Aug 16-17?? Doesn't seem to be anything else that weekend.

:thumbsup :thumbsdown ??
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Well.. I'm free Aug 16 17th
but I'm not the person planning this clambake.
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Sorry guys, it's my fault. I used 3N tape to save a few bucks.

So are we all good for the Aug 16-17?

Can we consider the motion passed?
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

*bump* Hoping that a date will be set soon so people can start planning. Also hope a mod will re-stick this.
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

Yes, nailing down the date would be beneficial as I would love to attend. I would need to know soon so that I may book my plane ticket and the time off of work.
Re: Toronto Prop Party 2008 - Time to start planning!

I'm really going to try to make it this year - been kicking myself ever since I missed the last one.
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