Tomb Raider Clock

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The clock idea was tossed around here awhile ago, but never got off the ground... There is a fan made run of the Triangle of light that was on ebay afew years ago.. I managed to snag one, but haven't seen em elsewhere in a long while
Yeah, I remember when he-who-cannot-be-named was talking about the clock project. He supposedly had a bead on someone who could do the electronics.

I'd definitely be up for this project.

I think that I've got some more stuff stuck somewhere and will send it up if/when it surfaces. Meantime, you may have seen these, but here's what I've got (with a big Thank You and Happy Holidays to wackychimp):




Let me know how the project progresses.

The last person who attempted this project was arrested, charged and convicted of attempting to solicit sex with an underage person. Since then, it's kind of been a 'cursed' project and no one has really seemed to want to attempt it. Personally, I'd like to see it done, it's a cool prop, even if a dumb movie.
Originally posted by Kerr Avon@Dec 19 2005, 03:50 PM
The last person who attempted this project was arrested, charged and convicted of attempting to solicit sex with an underage person.  Since then, it's kind of been a 'cursed' project and no one has really seemed to want to attempt it.  Personally, I'd like to see it done, it's a cool prop, even if a dumb movie.

You have been accessing my police record I see--How did you do that??/HEHEHE
Originally posted by Kerr Avon@Dec 19 2005, 07:50 PM
The last person who attempted this project was arrested, charged and convicted of attempting to solicit sex with an underage person.  Since then, it's kind of been a 'cursed' project and no one has really seemed to want to attempt it.  Personally, I'd like to see it done, it's a cool prop, even if a dumb movie.

Edited baiting comment - RPF Staff
Originally posted by rocketeer25@Dec 19 2005, 10:21 PM

We don't need the baiting comments.  Please keep your posts on-topic.

RPF Staff

And Kerr's comments weren't, dream on Lonnie. My point was there was no need to hash anyone's rep further in this thread and PF is the quickest way to make that point to our fine fowl. Sorry that all cruised over the fin on your helmet there sir.
Who was he baiting, Mark? GR has not been a member here for years, and Kerr didn't mention any names.

Giving a new member historical context to an old project is not considered baiting. Most people would consider it helpful.

I know that many people would really like this project to work out for a change, so lets please keep this thread on-topic.

Hmmm. Almost sorry I missed those posts, but good to see you on top of things Lonnie and trying to keep things on track.
One doesn't need to know anything about the personalities involved in a failed project in order to resurrect it. If anything, keeping OT crap and heresay out of the thread to begin with is the best way to ensure that it doesn't get tainted or politicized. There are plenty of examples floating around the RPF already... Such as, let's see how long it will take Sideshow to retool its T2 line given the abrupt license handover... :rolleyes

Regardless, I seem to recall the target price on these being around $500 for an illuminated hero made of cast brass. That's way too high. Clay got me thinking that if these could be cast in resin and then brass-plated, the production costs could be lowered by at least half. Now who can do that monster engraving job? :confused

- Gabe
Originally posted by Prop Runner@Dec 19 2005, 07:22 PM
If anything, keeping OT crap and heresay out of the thread to begin with is the best way to ensure that it doesn't get tainted or politicized. 

Do you mean hearsay? If so, then what I'm talking about isn't statements out of court, but an actual criminal prosecution and conviction. I can't believe you're actually trying to hide the history of a convicted sexual predator. Regardless, it has nothing to do with Sideshow or T2 licenses because the person in question had nothing to do with the clock situation. I'd appreciate it if you stop trolling and baiting, it's really bad form.

Lonnie, I rest my case.

Clay: sorry to see your thread get derailed. :( Feel free to start a new one, perhaps with the subcaption: "owl-free thread"

- Gabe
If anything, keeping OT crap and heresay out of the thread to begin with is the best way to ensure that it doesn't get tainted or politicized.
Edited baiting comment - RPF Staff
Edited baiting comment - RPF Staff
Such as, let's see how long it will take Sideshow to retool its T2 line given the abrupt license handover...
Clay: sorry to see your thread get derailed.  Feel free to start a new one, perhaps with the subcaption: "owl-free thread"

- Gabe

Yeah, Gabe... it's a real shame that people can't stay on-topic. :unsure

Clay, if you like, you can PM me, and I'll remove all of the OT posts from this thread so you can continue researching the prop. Or, if you like, you can start a new thread about this prop, and ask everyone to leave their personal baggage at home. Maybe it'll work next time. :rolleyes
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