Here's my Dan Laws Tie Pilot on a DS mannequin.
I still need to sew the commpad and various pockets on,
get better hoses. Click images for larger ones.
Everytime i start getting something together, my car breaks down, or like 2 days ago i have an appendectamy... (which will probably run me... God i dont want to know, no insurance... 5K? more? )
Thanks Kev. Ken please, this is an exibition, not a competition. Just kidding. Dude I'm sorry to hear you've been out of it. Medical bills are the worst. And with no insurance?. That probably hurts worse than the sugery. :eek
Yeah, and to top it all off, ive ALWAYS had health insurance, but never needed it, my WHOLE LIFE. Untill this year... now im 30, and falling apart. :lol yeah id say i coulda bought a nice Vader suit and a MR falcon for what its gonna cost. :cry
But back on topic, that is a killer suit, seriously how many suits do you have complete or close to? Id really like to make it out your way someday and see it all in person, cause i know im not gonna be able to talk you into draggin it all up here.
heres mine, need a different chest piece and a maybe a darker suit, sewed the patches on the sleeves myself, nice fiberglass chestbox, modified don post with obikenny ear parts also need different shoulder bells to connect the front and back armor.
heres a better pic, also my hair is alot shorter now. I know the suit could use improving, but I made due with what I could get at the time, enjoy, Chuck.
mine is not as acurate as i wish
but it was my first costume and i´m doing some upgrades when it´s possible
i´m searching for a better base for the jumpsuit
it´s a DP/CA bucket but i need to replace the decals and mount the greblies
already have new hoses but hasn´t made pics
also made a new accurate belt
found some new gloves
they´re looking much better than the ones on the photos
Looking good guys. Keep 'em coming. The tank pic rocks.
Ken, I have 3 different sets of TK armor all the way from fully built to pieces in a box. Good thing about that is the wife can't tell if I have one or three. I have the TIE, the AT-AT and I've got about 50% done on a vader. I'm also looking into getting some screen-used Starship Troopers M.I. armor. Everything is scattered here and there, so not much to see really at this point. I want to have the at-at done for adcon.
I have a repainted, fiberlassed Rubies with a custom liner and chromed lenses. Pvc hoses, nice east german jackboots, Shoulder cogs from some guy in Hawaii and a modified hasbro E-11 and DL-44.
Will put some pics up soon.
Geniepants, looks like you had the same bother straightening the ears on the rubies that I had.
The more I look at the completed LAWS TIE-Fighter Pilot helmet, the more I feel like divorcing my Don Post Standard helmet... [/b]