Hi everyone, this is my first time posting to therpf and I’m looking forward to participating in the community!
This is the beginning of my Thor build from Age of Ultron. I’m sure I’m not the first person that’s tackled it but so far I haven’t found any others so I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m hoping to wear the finished product to a comic con nearby in March and then the movie premiere in May so this is gonna be a pretty slow build but hopefully worth it in the end.
My intent for the design is to get as accurate a replica of the AoU costume as I can, with some minor exceptions where I may use details from the other films (e.g. rondels from the Dark World). My armor is a standard EVA foam base for the chest plate, greaves, and gauntlets. I just began working on the chest plate so here’s an image of what I have so far, with some of the detail work that will be attached later:

Just like every other person who’s done a Thor build, I spent a good deal of time thinking about the hardest piece of the costume: the scale sleeves. After looking at all the different options (foam scales, pre-quilted fabric, latex, etc.), I decided I wanted to try something a little unorthodox and went with duct tape. This thought never would have occurred to me had I not found this instructable (http://www.instructables.com/id/Removable-Dragon-Skin-Bottle-Cozy-from-Duck-Tape/) so I want to give credit to clintonmc for the idea. I have the right arm pretty much done and it’s going really well so far, although I have had to work around the flexibility issue.

Again, I’m gonna be working on this over the next few months but in the meantime I’d love to hear what you all think. Feel free to sound off with any questions or recommendations!
This is the beginning of my Thor build from Age of Ultron. I’m sure I’m not the first person that’s tackled it but so far I haven’t found any others so I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m hoping to wear the finished product to a comic con nearby in March and then the movie premiere in May so this is gonna be a pretty slow build but hopefully worth it in the end.
My intent for the design is to get as accurate a replica of the AoU costume as I can, with some minor exceptions where I may use details from the other films (e.g. rondels from the Dark World). My armor is a standard EVA foam base for the chest plate, greaves, and gauntlets. I just began working on the chest plate so here’s an image of what I have so far, with some of the detail work that will be attached later:

Just like every other person who’s done a Thor build, I spent a good deal of time thinking about the hardest piece of the costume: the scale sleeves. After looking at all the different options (foam scales, pre-quilted fabric, latex, etc.), I decided I wanted to try something a little unorthodox and went with duct tape. This thought never would have occurred to me had I not found this instructable (http://www.instructables.com/id/Removable-Dragon-Skin-Bottle-Cozy-from-Duck-Tape/) so I want to give credit to clintonmc for the idea. I have the right arm pretty much done and it’s going really well so far, although I have had to work around the flexibility issue.

Again, I’m gonna be working on this over the next few months but in the meantime I’d love to hear what you all think. Feel free to sound off with any questions or recommendations!