thinking of getting an iron man suit from full body need advice

I just picked mine up from DHL. I have a 3 hour drive in front of me but hopefully its not a complete cluster f$&k. I will let everyone know tomorrow.
I just finished going through everything. A few minor (to me) issues.

1) the pinkys on each glove are way too small.
2) speaker on voice changer was missing- not using it anyway.
3) right ear on helmet was missing.
4) small panel on back is missing.
I have notified James, we will see what happens there.

The harnes is S&$T- I had to cut it up just to unpack the crate-easy fix though.

The helmet is made with good materials but there are a lot of gaps- will just get a better helmet.

I have yet to try on the shoes but they dont look bad.

Superdave's video is spot on as far as what you get and how to fix. It doesnt look bad but you better be ready to put in some time to make it yours.
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It really does sound like it's more of a kit than a finished suit. Certainly not worth the money they're charging.
And this makes me sad, I'd really love a quality suit made to measure with at least a smattering of electonics in it.
Don't use the shoes that came with the suit..I beg you to use a pair that you have extra of. It will save you a whole lot of pain..I learned the hard way.
I slipped a pair of vans in them. I just need to reinforce the suit and build a new harness. I ordered a roan & lager mark 43 helmet and will integrate it instead of the supplied helmet. Im still content with my purchase. Its better than what I could have built.
I'll be making another video soon to go over all the modifications that I've done on my suit. Probably have it done by Tuesday.
My suit is waiting on customs check, should have it by tomorrow hopefully, then I'll be putting up videos too, probably start with an unboxing video.
I heard back from James today. He is making another set of hands with the correct size fingers, both ears for my helmet ( even though I only needed the right one) a voice changer ( even though i will likely not use it) and the missing pannel that goes on the back. He is supposed to ship it out Friday. I give him credit for always answering/replying to every email I have sent up to this point.

Once I get my new harnes built I am thinking about removing the abs/lower back from the chest and back, making it into a sub assembly with suspenders I believe this will offer the suit more flexibility.

If anybody can recomend a good adhesive to bond the straps to the abs and fiberglass pannels, i am all ears. Hot glue is okay but it doesnt seem to hold up very well.

I have removed all velcro from the legs and used a better quality velcro and adhered it to the suit using 3m double sided automotive grade tape ( same stuff that holds emblems and trim on cars and trucks) hopefully it works better than the hot glue/velcro combo it comes with.

That is the progress on my suit up to this point. I still need to add rivets and reinforce a few key areas.
I've done the same thing with my suit making it into 2 sections. I used new elastic pieces with quick release clips and loctite plastic epoxy with a 3450psi rating. I used 3 in the back and 2 up front. 1/8x1/8 size rivets with backing washers are also optional if you want the added strength.
saw your video...from what I saw it appeared that on the helmet when opening , the left side - upper section - you might want to check out your hinges. Mine came completely off and was missing the attachment screw. I ended up using my high strength epoxy and replaced the screw, haven't had a problem with it since then. Just something to check out when you get a chance.
Hi guys,
I received my suit the other day, been working on it to get it fully wearable. Not too many issues, but there was a couple of minor pieces missing, which James is shipping. It is quite an awesome suit, and all the electrics are working fine which is nice. Speaker for the voice changer had broken off and the speaker come was torn, so gonna have to put my own speaker in it. A few pieces needed glueing back on, but only a couple. All in all I am happy with the suit, but it could have been made better. Been trying to put a video up but it keeps failing, will try again soon, just concentrating on finishing the suit so I can wear it comfortably. You'll definitely need padding in the helmet btw. Here's one pic of me in the suit: image.jpeg
ChristianE hey man that suit does look good on you though! I would be happy with it especially after you put your touches on it and dial it in!
It looks very nice on you ChristianE! Did you modified the helmet a bit? Or did you receive it like this? It closes nicely though. The faceplate mechanism open and close works as it should be?
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Yes the faceplate opens and closes very nicely, the only mod I've done to the helmet is added padding inside, it was essential really. I'll try to get a video up soon.