the Wraith costume


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know if the costume Charlie Sheen wore in the Wraith has ever been located? Thanks, Jeff
I'm trying to get all my qustions answered to all my qustions while meeting my requirement to ask a question in the junkyard. Any objections? Any legitimate answeras to my questions? I have been in this hobby and owned many hero pieces long before many other people, but shy'd away from this board because of the hypocracy of many of it's newer younger members who think they know it all.
Do you have an answer for my question to the Wraith costume? I've been in this hooby since 1992 any only had a lead on Charlie sheen's boots from the Wraith. Do you have any credible leads on the whereabouts of his costume or any reference material pertaining to it? Or are you just going to be critical for the sake of argument?
From the other likes I have,namely exotic and movie automoniles, I followed the restoration of the Wraith car which is now for sale...he is also making a few pieces of memorabilia available to the buyer of the car, one of which is an original suit I understand...hope this get's ya started anyway

Oh my God. I never knew this existed. How do I get ahold of the man running that site. He says his email has be removed from the site. Those pictures of the suit are amazing. Did I read correctly that the suit is here in Los angeles?
I'm trying to get all my qustions answered to all my qustions while meeting my requirement to ask a question in the junkyard. Any objections? Any legitimate answeras to my questions? I have been in this hobby and owned many hero pieces long before many other people, but shy'd away from this board because of the hypocracy of many of it's newer younger members who think they know it all.

Firstly i joined as they brought in a separate forum for ScreenUsed items, as i only collect them. It's that elitest attitude of yours which gives screenused collectors a bad name

I quote 'Owned many Hero pieces long before many other people' Climb off the soapbox boy!!
I don't know what makes you say I have an elitist attitude. I just think that among the replica community alot of people take what is said as the gospel truth when something may only be a rumor or someone's perspective with no facts to back up their claims that their version is the truth. There is alot of bickering to goes on on forums and I try to stear clear of that. That is why I havn't participated here very often. So I'm not elitist. I've just been criticized here before and I don't appreciate it when the criticism is unwarrented.
Thank you very much Firefox and Propsculptor for your contributions on the Wraith links that was greatly appreciated. Also, Firefox, I'm still interested in getting one of your Krull Glaive's. That's an awesome piece you created. You should be very proud of that. I've just not been able to purchase one yet due to other priorities.
So you flat out admit that your just making a bunch of stupid posts in order to be able to sell something in the junkyard? You do realize that your pushing back other peoples posts at the same time right? That is a punk move. Good luck selling stuff to all the people who's posts your helping to bury by being a punk........................... PUNK!!!
why not post on other threads or post images of your collection. Start using the search engine and you might find more information than just posting random threads. coming in hot and fiery serves no purpose here. The screen used collectors here are incredible and take pride in their category
I don't even have anything to sell. I'm not looking to post in the junkyard. This whole thing has been started against me for no reason. I have made ligitamate posts on the forum that I would like input from other members on. That is the point of this board is it not? To use the forum as a research and sharing tool. So far more than half the responces I've gotten back are just unwarranted criticism. Why don't people offer up some usefull information and we can have a meaningfull and respectfull discussion. Thank you to those of you who have offered helpful contributions.
Most of the movies I posted about here are rather obscure and I tried searching the forum for posts. But the questions I've posted are things I could not find on threads or other websites. Also, Can you tell me the process for postings pictures here on the forum?
I don't even have anything to sell. I'm not looking to post in the junkyard.

oh, is that right?
here's a pm YOU sent me when i notified your spam topics. followed by more pms that sounded like whining.
puckydog said:
Also, I need to accomplish my required number of posts as required by the moderators to be able to post in the junkyard as required by the moderatores.

oh, here's something in a thread
I'm trying to get all my qustions answered to all my qustions while meeting my requirement to ask a question in the junkyard.

holy smokes, IT WAS THIS THREAD!

when you have something legitimate to add to the community, then you can complain to me, but you wouldnt have anything to complain about because i wouldnt be marking your threads as spam. if you're in no rush to use the junk yard, why dont you spend your time adding legitimate posts, and seeking out information on your own, instead of having people answer your question for you, and then not follow the answer they gave you? your judge dredd armor topic was absolutely absurd.

ps. i wont be responding to your reply to this, your whining will only add to your post count if i do!