Sr Member
Just watched Robocop for the first time in probably 15 years. I have one thing to say about this movie.
I FREAKING LOVE ROBOCOP. Sincerely. I laughed out loud, and the action was awesome. It was gory as hell, in a way that rated R movies aren't allowed to be gory anymore. It just worked. The costume, the actors, the low budget feel of the whole thing. Awesome. It makes me want to get a Robocop costume now. (Which may be a bad idea since I'm chubby.)
So, I watched Robocop 2 to follow it up. NOT QUITE as fun as the first one, but still pretty cool. The Cain robot is freaking sweet. The "Nuke" drug thing is a good plot, if not the best thing about the movie.
Then, I got about 30 minutes into Robocop 3 and stopped it. After he had a jet pack and was going to fly, that was all I needed.
But I have to say, I LOVE THE FIRST TWO ROBOCOP movies. There is just something about them. I don't know if it's the raw feel of Detroit, the cheese factor or what, but I do know this. I'm gonna see if there's a special edition of the first two movies. I wouldn't mind hearing commentary or seeing behind the scenes and making of from Robocop or Robocop 2. I'd like to see more high-quality Robocop costuming. It's such a fun character. EVERYONE knows Robocop. (Everyone over 30, ahem :lol)
Anyone else a fan of Robocop and all his cheesy joy?!