Kerr Avon
Master Member
Anyone see this movie yet? If you have a smart phone, be sure to get the Movie Mode item from Best Buy installed. You install it and go into the movie mode prior to the trailers. It picks up a tone played right before the movie starts and then at the end credits vibrates to let you know it'll begin the translations of the little minions talking during the credits. It's a pretty sweet little app and shows some ingenuity as it also silences your phone and puts it into a low light mode. After it was complete it unlocks an extra feature, in this case a short interview about the movie with the director.
The movie is pretty fun by itself, not the greatest, but still fun. Throwing in this neat litlte tool adds more to the experience. The app has been updated showing that more movies will be coming with similar experiences.
The movie is pretty fun by itself, not the greatest, but still fun. Throwing in this neat litlte tool adds more to the experience. The app has been updated showing that more movies will be coming with similar experiences.