Well-Known Member
Been meaning to put this up, but Monday went to gamestop for their midnight opening for Fallout New Vegas. It ROCKS btw. I got the collectors edition which comes with a deck of playing cards, a chip from each casino in the game (Sort of.....there's one from Bison Steve...but that's the hotel in Primm...the casino in Primm across the street is named Vicky and Vince..i think) the mysterious Platinum chip from the Lucky 38 (won't go into detail due to not wanting to give away spoilers) and a graphic novel plus making of dvd. I'll get pics of the cards and chips up if people want to see, but they are amazing. I was expecting plastic tokens...but these are real vegas worthy chips...and the platinum chip is real metal! All very very nice. The card deck is made from cards from all the casinos put together....which makes it some what impractical to use for poker or anything....but the reason it's done like that makes sence once you play the game and learn the game "Caravan" which is a card game Bethesda invented for Fallout New Vegas. If you're a fan of Fallout 3....get this game. Now. No...seriously...drop what you're doing..grab your keys and go. Walmart's open......go. Hey! That means you to. No...not you...him. What? No, I don't care if it's 5 am where you are.....what are you doin on your computer at this hour anyway? Put your bowl of cereal down and go get this damn game! Great replicas....and an awesome game! Also..if anyone out there who's played it can make some legion cash.....that'd be awesome! The only clear pic is in a loading screen...andi can't take screenshots...or create things in photoshop or whatever program the cool geeks are usin these days.
Wow...that totally sounded way more commercially than i intended. But still...great game...go get it.

Wow...that totally sounded way more commercially than i intended. But still...great game...go get it.