The latest catch Fallout New Vegas


Well-Known Member
Been meaning to put this up, but Monday went to gamestop for their midnight opening for Fallout New Vegas. It ROCKS btw. I got the collectors edition which comes with a deck of playing cards, a chip from each casino in the game (Sort of.....there's one from Bison Steve...but that's the hotel in Primm...the casino in Primm across the street is named Vicky and Vince..i think) the mysterious Platinum chip from the Lucky 38 (won't go into detail due to not wanting to give away spoilers) and a graphic novel plus making of dvd. I'll get pics of the cards and chips up if people want to see, but they are amazing. I was expecting plastic tokens...but these are real vegas worthy chips...and the platinum chip is real metal! All very very nice. The card deck is made from cards from all the casinos put together....which makes it some what impractical to use for poker or anything....but the reason it's done like that makes sence once you play the game and learn the game "Caravan" which is a card game Bethesda invented for Fallout New Vegas. If you're a fan of Fallout 3....get this game. Now. No...seriously...drop what you're doing..grab your keys and go. Walmart's open......go. Hey! That means you to. No...not you...him. What? No, I don't care if it's 5 am where you are.....what are you doin on your computer at this hour anyway? Put your bowl of cereal down and go get this damn game! Great replicas....and an awesome game! Also..if anyone out there who's played it can make some legion cash.....that'd be awesome! The only clear pic is in a loading screen...andi can't take screenshots...or create things in photoshop or whatever program the cool geeks are usin these days.

Wow...that totally sounded way more commercially than i intended. But still...great game...go get it.
I agree and if you love the first 2 games this is as close as you'll get, they even have the original level up sound effect in the game. It ties into the originals with groups like the Gun Runners and others who you met before. Its also got me wanting to try and make some paper props from the game.
Okay. Okay, okay okay. Fine. I'll go and buy it. Yes! I'm going now! Yeesh! What? Yes I have my wallet... *door slam* *car screech*

I picked up the PC version and had some 'issues' (namely, you have to install Steam [which blows... but whatever] which makes you DOWNLOAD the game instead of installing it from the DVD... 6 hours to download the game... which means, after having bought the game early Saturday evening, then getting dinner, I began the installation and wasn't able to start playing until about two hours after church... What is the use of that? Seriously??? Okay... calming down... ending rant....).

After I got the game installed, updated my graphics drivers, and updated boot camp (wait... why didn't I get the Xbox version?), finally getting into play it was pretty awesome. It wasn't quite the same feeling as Fallout 3 starting out (I exited the vault the first time at night with only the BB gun and had the 'LET ME BACK IN!!!' feeling...), but I did like that it was basically an extension of Fallout 3. The only gameplay knock I would give it is that I wish they would have gone farther with the Factions (like in Oblivion).
Wait a minute... it FORCES you to install Steam and DOWNLOAD a game you just bought on DVD? In what universe does that make ANY sense?!? :confused

I bought Fallout 3 on PC because I had just got a new gaming laptop and wanted a great game to play on it. Also, I can use the programmer's cheat codes that are disabled in the Xbox 360 version. Makes it a LOT easier to deal with the scarcity of ammo in the game. ;)

So naturally, I ordered the new game for the PC. Haven't installed it yet... haven't even opened it yet. Haven't had time. If I have to return it, unopened, to Amazon to get the Xbox 360 version instead, I'm going to be LIVID! :angry
Wait a minute... it FORCES you to install Steam and DOWNLOAD a game you just bought on DVD? In what universe does that make ANY sense?!? :confused

I bought Fallout 3 on PC because I had just got a new gaming laptop and wanted a great game to play on it. Also, I can use the programmer's cheat codes that are disabled in the Xbox 360 version. Makes it a LOT easier to deal with the scarcity of ammo in the game. ;)

So naturally, I ordered the new game for the PC. Haven't installed it yet... haven't even opened it yet. Haven't had time. If I have to return it, unopened, to Amazon to get the Xbox 360 version instead, I'm going to be LIVID! :angry

It makes NO sense... That's why I was so ticked off. The one advantage to Steam is that you don't need the disk in the machine to play. Otherwise it was one giant hassle to get the thing on my computer and playable. Once that was accomplished, though, it runs great.

Even after the frustration, I don't think I'd change my mind on this one (other titles probably) because there's so much you can do with the PC version that you can't do with the console versions - specifically: mods and add-ons. There's a huge creative community out there that makes kewl stuff for Falout 3 and I imagine New Vegas isn't far behind.
Right now...I'm hating bethesda....they leave bugs in the game that make crap float....or make enemies sink half way into the ground...(Ok....that one does make it easier to kill them...but still looks weird...) But they patch the bug that allows you to get LOOOOOOAAAAAADDDEEEEEDDDD! There was a bug that in Primm, if you did a few thngs first....when you turned in your chips at the casino for caps, you'd get the caps...but keep the chips. So you could turn them in as often as possible. It was AWESOME. Granted....i had over 300,000 caps...spent like a Rockefeller, and still had over 250,000 at the end of the game, with trades and such, so it's not that important. But it was really cool bein a wasteland millionaire! So floaty thngs? Fine....but a bug that works for you? SQUASH IT!!!!

As for PC verses console...I love my 360 version, but there are a few things that make me want the pc version. (And then a PC worth a crap that i could play it on) And like the Doc said....mods. There is a KILLER Tardis mod out there for F3, and an awesome Batman: TDK suit, complete with frag grenades shaped like batterangs. (seriously..look em up on youtube....they are AWESOME)
one of the in game items is the blade runner pistol, dubbed "That gun"
has five rounds, and makes the "WHEEEEE" noise when it's reloaded, and a green light flicks on.
I JUST found that! It's AWESOME...but kinda weak...I also found Indiana Jone's skeleton, and i'm now wearing his hat
Yeah, I got some nice Fallout 3 mods:
- The TARDIS (built-in regeneration!!!)
- Lightsaber
- Trek DS9 phaser/ uniform
- Iron Man suit ( no flying and it's kinda lame)

And (non-prop-related)
- Zombie apocalypse

I had the Nazi Zombies installed, but it kept crashing. I've got a TON others as well, including extra locations and missions and such. could have the doctor.....using a lightsaber....dressed like Ironman???? I just got geek-wood :thumbsup