The Last Alliance of Men and Elves (LOTR)


Sr Member
If the battle at Helms Deep was 10,000 bad guys -
if the battle at Minas Tirith was 250,000 bad guys,

does anyone know what the population was for battle VS Sauron as the base of Mt. Doom ?

When watching FOTR it looks like there could be close to 50k in Elf troops alone. (love the color separation in that formation scene)
They should have just CGI'd Deep Roy 50,000 times dressed as a.. well, you know. :D (ducking, running)

With that name i first thought it was a Dwarf that is a pornstar, but i googled the name and found out who he was :lol

I always felt that the Battle of Helm's Deep, as filmed in the Jackson films, looked more impressive and epic than the battle of Minas Tirith. That may partially be due to the length of the sequence, as well as the sort of narrowness of the pass that forced all the troops into one location, rather than the sort of spread out forces at Minas Tirith.