The Hobbit - starts filming March 21

I saw it in HFR 3D and IMAX. I sat pretty close, so my whole field of vision was filled. and I had no problem with nausea or anything. To me, the resolution jumped around a little bit. It went from crystal clear, like they were standing in front of me, to slightly grainy in portions of the shots. It seemed like some areas where they had to inset live action into a CGI backdrop, the CGI area was clear, but the live action inset didn't have the same clarity. It didn't bother me.
Azog was the right choice as he is credited by JRRT as being a long time thorn in the side of the Dwarven race plus the spoiler of Thorin's spoiler.
does it look like a tv movie?

whats the result of the 48fps?

looks exactly like a HDTV with the motion blur turned off, the film mode turned off, and the detail cranked up.

Some new TV's will make movies look like they were shot on video, and make things like backgrounds and set dressing look cheap or 'cardboard' like.

this film was like the above mentioned x2... so it kind of gave the effect like the movie was shot on a cheap K-mart video camcorder. Similar to when a highschool class shoots a video project and shows it to the class...

However, when the CGI creatures, elaboratly designed sets and action ratchets up in the 2nd half, (e.g. goblin kingdom) the effect becomes STUNNING and visually breathtaking... The picture was more clear / real then my drive home...
it does do amazingly well at bringing out the details, but to me it takes the "movie" feeling out of it.... great for screencaps, and nitpicking over props, not so much for watching.
IMHO I only want to see 3D in HFR from now on. Its the way *I* want my 3D to be crisp, clean, no motion blur, no blurriness when looking at something that isn't in the center of the screen.

For someone who has seen the difference between VHS - DVD - BluRay I accept it whole heartedly

it does do amazingly well at bringing out the details, but to me it takes the "movie" feeling out of it.... great for screencaps, and nitpicking over props, not so much for watching.

Do you think this might just be because of what we're used to? That maybe kids growing up seeing this in the movies will relate it to what movies feel like?
I'm so afraid to see the HFR.

1. Because I suffer from migraines and
2. Because I don't want to take away from the feeling that I'm watching a fantastical story play out in front of me. I've seen HFR before on Blu Rays and it's just...I can't describe it other than I hate it.
I'm so afraid to see the HFR.

1. Because I suffer from migraines and
2. Because I don't want to take away from the feeling that I'm watching a fantastical story play out in front of me. I've seen HFR before on Blu Rays and it's just...I can't describe it other than I hate it.
See it in 2D first, then, if you love the film, you could go check out the HFR.
Do you think this might just be because of what we're used to? That maybe kids growing up seeing this in the movies will relate it to what movies feel like?

it very well might be, all of us here have been watching movies for DECADES, and they all have that same "look" to them, so when one comes along as different, it looks "off" or wrong to us. it will be very interesting to see, if this takes off and becomes the standard, if all the children raised on seeing movies at higher frame rates, think our old movies look "off" or not movie like to them. but only time will tell.

part of me hopes that thats true, but part of me hopes that its not, because i would really hate to see future generations staying away from the movies we love today, because "they have that weird look to them"
I'm wondering if there is a correlation to people who liked The Hobbit with HFR, and people who have newer 240hz refresh rate TVs.
part of me hopes that thats true, but part of me hopes that its not, because i would really hate to see future generations staying away from the movies we love today, because "they have that weird look to them"
Like the current generation shies away from movies more than 5 years old because... those movies are... OLD... and couldn't possibly have any importance today.

Just hear them squirm if it's in B/W.
part of me hopes that thats true, but part of me hopes that its not, because i would really hate to see future generations staying away from the movies we love today, because "they have that weird look to them"

Like the current generation shies away from movies more than 5 years old because... those movies are... OLD... and couldn't possibly have any importance today.

Just hear them squirm if it's in B/W.

I don't think that will happen, because newer tvs now convert movies to a higher frame rate. They create additional frames and give it that new look.

I HATED it at first, but now I absolutely LOVE it.

Instead of feeling like I am looking at a well made film, I get the feeling of what it actually looked like when it happened on set. Instead of seeming fake, its actually more real.

When I see an automobile roll up to the curb in an old 1940's movie streaming on Netflix, it looks like a car commercial that was filmed yesterday, that is until I see William Holden step out of it, lol.
I'm still not sure I like that. I don't much like seeing that it is just a set. I want to see it as a "world". The set is "fake reality" even though it is real, as it is exactly as the set looked for the actors and filmmakers. That's not a + in my opinion. That's a downgrade. A movie is movie magic creating a world that feels real, but really isn't real.

If it was the intent of the filmmaker to make it look exactly as it was when it was filmed, then that's one thing, but most use multiple effects to remove exactly that effect, such as optical effect, digital effects, color grading, and all those things. We are not watching a stage play - we are watching a meticulously constructed reality that should feel real.

Like CGI - most complaints against it is its overuse and drawing attention to itself and not really being up to par with the look of practical effects and miniatures. The fake-ness is usually the issue.