The Fifth Element - President's Phone


Sr Member
This place needs a little more Fifth Element around! :lol

I was considering trying to make the President's phone from scratch the other day, but I did a little digging (and thanks to MattMunson's site!), I found what it was made from. Now, I couldn't find the exact model of Sony rotary commander, but I did find this:

Does this model still have the same 'structure' as the other model, such as the same buttons/button positioning? If so, if I was to buy 2 of these, flip one upside down and stick it on top of the other, spray it all black then add a little red 'stick' to the top, would that be almost exactly the same as the actual prop, or is it a little more complicated than that?

I just really want to build-up a Fifth Element collection. It kills me that I didn't start one sooner. :sleep
It looks right to me.

I have a replica that was cast using the real parts and that one in the website looks spot on.

Cool, thanks, Adamata! Yours looks awesome. What did you use for the red antenna?

I'll see about picking up a couple of rotary commanders soon. :thumbsup

could you help me with something? do you have any pics of this prop from the top? I made a guess as to what the top of the phone looked like and I don't know if its right. can I get some more pics to confirm or fix what i did?


btw, I used a piece or orange/red acrylic rod for the antenna. I have no idea where it came from, i just happened to have it in my parts box. ;-)
The one thing that I have never been able to understand is that on-screen there does not appear to be a red LED on the side, yet the Prop Store of London original and copies that I have seen have it. I guess the LED could be there and because it's off it looks white.


That's so awesome that you own the original President's phone, Coinprop. If I had the money handy I would buy it instantly. Actually, PM sent. :)