The Fantastic Three?

"Mainstream comics have done these 'Death of ...' stories so frequently, never keeping the characters dead, so it's lost all meaning to me as a fan," said Bob Bretall of

I agree
That's not true, they never brought back Superm.. uh, Captain Ame..., Phoen... no, Gwen Sta... crap.
So who's getting the axe?
I'm betting on Sue, as it seems female characters in general are not good for sales.
"In 1994, for example, Sue Richards, a.k.a. the Invisible Woman, took over as team leader --- in what was, for a short time, a trio --- when her husband Reed, a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic, was believed to be dead. (It turned out he had been ripped out of the time stream.) Ben Grimm, a.k.a. the Thing, was briefly thought to be dead in 2004 as well.
Then there was Superman's death in 1992 and Captain America's in 2007, which made big headlines at the time. And as with those characters, most seem to return eventually.
"Mainstream comics have done these 'Death of ...' stories so frequently, never keeping the characters dead, so it's lost all meaning to me as a fan," said Bob Bretall of, who nevertheless said he is really enjoying the current "Fantastic Four" story arc."

So pardon me if I just say, "Meh...who cares. They'll only bring them back as another character.:unsure
Whoever it is will be back eventually. From everything I've been reading in the comics I tend to think all signs point to the Human Torch getting killed.
Mariko's still dead, too, I think, in the Wolverine continuity. And aren't Ralph and Sue Dibny dead, too, but operating as ghostly investigators?
Didn't they just bring him back in the latest Thanos series, an alternate reality version, or some such thing?

Add Jason Todd the dead Robin from DC to the list of ressurections. No one in a comic can stay dead, I think it's some kind of rule at Marvel and DC.
Mar-Vell: Still Dead. It is an alternate universe doppelganger in the Thanos Imperative.

The new title for Fantastic Four seems to be "FF" though we don't know what that really stands for. Maybe Fantastic Force?

Ralph and Sue Dibny are still dead.
I did not realize Thomas and Martha Wayne, The Flying Graysons or any other tertiary characters were counted as of the same caliber as heroes in their own comics were. Nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo.
So, basically, any character -- especially a non-powered relative -- who gets killed and inspires a hero to become a hero stays dead. Everyone else is fair game for resurrection.

Although, in some cases, I'm glad they brought certain characters back. I've been reading Geoff Johns' GL run starting with Rebirth and I rather enjoy it.