The Definitive Hover Board Thread


Sr Member
Okay, as I've sure you're all aware, there are plenty of Hoverboard threads out there. Most of them recycle the same old graphics, the same tired numbers, and generally peter out within two pages without really ever having accomplished much.

I want to change that!

I wanted to have a place to collect ONLY verifiable information regarding the size, shape, graphics, layout, and materials of the Hover Boards.

So what does this mean?

It means that recycling someone's schematics aren't acceptable, but scaling the entire board based on Michael J Fox's thumb is! Images of replicas? Not acceptable. Pictures taken by someone who snuck past armed guards to get pictures of an original, next to a soda can for scale? TOTALLY acceptable!

I have an HD copy of BTTF II (With #3 coming soon) that I can get screenshots of anything we need.

...and hopefully, I can try to make up a NEW, high quality version of the board graphics soon.

So, what do you guys say? Anyone have any information or questions?

Let's make this THE resource thread.

I'm struggling to find a bit of information. I know that the board seems to be accepted as 28", but I'm not sure how much of the length would be given to the kick at the end, and what angle would look best.
One definitive thing: a majority of the Hoverboards used throughout the film were made of foam. There were a couple of others made of wood.

There's also different variations for different purposes: wood was used the hoverboard chase scenes. One of them has this wire rig on the bottom of it so when the board is thrown forward on the ground, the Hoverboard lands on it and gives the appearance of hovering after hitting the ground. Another version was actually a skateboard painted with the Hoverboard graphics (which can be seen in the tunnel scene where Tannen chases down Marty from Part 2).

So, it's when you say "definitive version", it's hard to say for sure when there's multiple versions of the hero for different purposes for different scenes in one film alone.

Of course, this is just my point of view and going off what I know. For all I know I could very well be wrong.
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That's a great point. And each version were put together differently, some had more details than others, some were just printed "stickers" and others had lenticular sheets glued on.

I am guessing most guys are interested in a foam hero? The ones that Marty would have carried around with him.
Looks like this thread needs some success hacking. :lol

It just needs "Do Not Bump" added to the title and all will be fixed. :lol

And I figured this thread could be definitive in terms of separating out all the versions, not just trying to get to one of the many used for shooting.

If anyone has any info, share it. I started this thread because I was looking for info too, and there was just too much discussion without any closure in many of the other threads.

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Ha, your wit and sense of humor are always welcomed in that thread, please join us sometime!

I think this thread is a good idea. I have been busy, but I will try to post some pics when I have some time.