The Comedian Reference


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!

I am thinking of sculpting the Comedian's leather body armor and casting it in wearable latex or something. I'm also going to do the rest of the hard parts and cast in some urethane plastic or fiberglass...I dont know! I can just hear my fiance, "what about finishing your Boba or grail diary? You still haven't molded your Iron Man helmet or finished sewing your Joker overcoat or sculpting his head!" Well, I'm kind of getting bored of finishing these projects so I'll just tackle them a bit every week and get em done summer?

Anyways, on to the point. I'm trying to gather up some good screen caps or reference pictures of his armor, belt, shoulders, etc. I've a lot of good pics, but I'm REALLY lacking good photos of his back. I really don't want to wait until it comes out on dvd so I'd appreciate any good pics you can post!

Well then we are two.... I got hard time finding good reffrence photos my self.... Asked of this before. Front back and sides. From top to toe.
The film companian, portraits and art of the film books have fantastic pictures of his armour :) If you need any online pictures then i will go through my sources if you like.
I'll have to look into those books. I have quite a few great pictures of the sides and front but no back. If anyone has some of the back, I'd love to see them.
If you can get some good photos from the book then it whould be marvelouse to se them. Please share.

Again Bloddy fantastic for such great people.
My fiance found this for me as I'm doing the same thing. She found it faster than I did. lol
I found a couple photo sets on Flickr.
the one above is a bit blurry, but somewhere there was a Comedian costume on display and it doesn't look like Arclight.
this one is mostly frame grabs from the HD trailer:

*edit* Looks like these are all at Arclight.

This blog has better photos.
Hope these help.
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Not to derail this train, but those links have some fantastic reference for Rorschach's costume, and I wanna thank you for posting them. I'm going to to do a major update to the Rorschach thread just because of those.

These are what I've found. This is the only size or resolution I have for any of them.
I've also got the action figure I could take pictures of, the details seem to pretty much match up to these.

