The 15 Minute Sonic Screwdriver Redux

The Next Doctor

Well-Known Member
Well I decided to improve upon my 15 Minute Sonic Screwdriver. It is something anyone can make very quickly and alot better than I did. I made a proper bullet for the halo, and added the Gold Pinstriping. I also straightened the groove and added a better slider button.

Here it was before:

And here it is now:




Comments and Complaints Welcome.
Very nice, I like it.

I've searched but can't seem to find a previous thread on it - was there one with some details on the construction? I do see what looks like a Maglite as the main component.

Here is the quick list of parts:

Main base is a silver maglite

The "neck" is a cheap silver Walmart tire gauge

The "bullet" was made from a pen cap from a Papermate Pen and a finishing washer.

There is another beveled washer where the neck inserts into the body.

The "Halo" is part of the flashlight.

And O-Rings of various sizes.