Terminator Salvation (John Connor)


Sr Member
Here is my John Connor Costume.













I have my boots and zippers too.

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Very cool! Where'd you get the pants at? Love the knife holder too.
The pants are Tru-spec TacTiger and i added the OPS knee pads. I cut off the bottom part of another cheap Tiger strip pants add the pads and them put them on the pants. I custom made the knife holder. Left it kinda rough as I figured it wold have been a custom job anyway.
The other drop leg I made out of leather. I went with the HK rifle Mags instead of the C4 on it for this one.
Fantastic work getting this all together, what a great collection! Do you have any info on the T-shirt you could share? Is it a standard shirt or did you customise it?
The T-shirt I couldn't find ANYTHING off the shelf. So I went to the Goodwill found a well used black T. Removed the pocket, then I found a used Commando sweater. I removed the shoulder material and epaulets and sewed them on. BTW.. sewing T-shirt material sucks.
From the pictures I have that is what it looked like they did for the film.
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The pants are Tru-spec TacTiger and i added the OPS knee pads. I cut off the bottom part of another cheap Tiger strip pants add the pads and them put them on the pants. I custom made the knife holder. Left it kinda rough as I figured it wold have been a custom job anyway.
The other drop leg I made out of leather. I went with the HK rifle Mags instead of the C4 on it for this one.
The T-shirt I couldn't find ANYTHING off the shelf. So I went to the Goodwill found a well used black T. Removed the pocket, then I found a used Commando sweater. I removed the shoulder material and epaulets and sewed them on. BTW.. sewing T-shirt material sucks.
From the pictures I have that is what it looked like they did for the film.

Great work man, it looks perfect!
Excellent! Move one step towards perfection and replace the replica knife with an authentic HK 14100 Snody!:)
Niiiiiiiiice job Stephen! :thumbsup

Me and my date.. love those chicks in uniforms.

Your "date" huh. ;)

Hey if you want- I could try and have a look for the front zipper insert on his boots. I used to see them all the time in army surplus stores up here (mind you this was 15-20 years ago that I saw them "all the time").

Very cool, Connor certainly found some expensive gear after Judgement day. Nice work!
Very cool! Not to be a wet blanket, but be careful with that costume in public, lots of people clueless to the fact that it's just a costume could call the cops in a panic seeing a guy walking down the street bristling with what they think are real weapons. :p
Unless you live in KY and then no one would give you a second look unless you were actualy causing a scene. lol

Good costume though I thought about having a version of his jacket made but all black.