Terminator Face Appliance- CLAIM PROVED FALSE


Master Member
Hey gang,

I recently picked this up and was hoping for some help trying to pin down which film it was from. I have a message out to the person I bought it from, but figured I would post this here too. Using the description:

It is made of latex and was supposedly obtained from a worker on the film. It has blood reisdue on it.

The red eye is marked CGI.

Measures 7 1/2 inches by 4 at widests parts.

There was no COA, but it did come in a in bag labeled Stan Winston Studio. It is claimed to be used during one of the films.




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Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

Just an update, I was told it was from Terminator 2.
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Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

Don't see how it could be T2, unless it was from a deleted future scene with an alternate model. All of Arnold's facial appliances for major reveal damage were for the right side of his face in T2. It could be from T3 as towards the end Arnold had major left side damage post helicopter crash, but the details of the endo reveal look funny... ie more sharp & less rounded, whats the circular port on the eyebrow?, and why the circle detail on the jaw vs the usual slight more rectangular indent from the movie endo skull jaw. I thought they greened out all that in T3 though and CGI'ed all the reveal at the end. I didn't catch all of the Sarah Conner Chronicles, did any of the terminators in the show have damage like this, given the detail differences?
Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

I could believe this was a stunt mask for T3? While CGI was def. used for most of the scars, I am sure they wouldn't have bothered to green up for background scenes or stunt guys.

Here's the makeup setup for T3:



I rarely buy anything that isn't screenmatched or comes with a satisfying description, but this looked like a fun piece. Sometimes it pays to take a small risk here and there, and sometimes it doesn't!

But I trust the source, so I am confident it was used for something, just don't know what and when!!!!
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Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

Honestly I don't think this was from any of the movies, (Or the Sarah Connor Chronicles) from all the behind-the-scenes photos I've seen this looks like nothing from any of the films...

With most of the Prosthetics the Chrome parts were sculpted separately then Chromed, and the skin pieces were added on top of the Chrome parts, as shown in these Pics...

Where did you get your Appliance from?
Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

That is from the halloween costume company Woochie prosthesis. It is in no way from Winston studios.
Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

I own one of them. I hope you didn't pay too much for it. I really hate it when people try to pass stuff like this off as authentic screen used.
Re: Terminator Face Appliance? ID help!

No, not enough for it to hurt too bad. More bummed that I lost my bragging rights on the piece and I also feel like a giant idiot.:lol
That wouldn't be fair since I have no evidence that he purposely did it. It could happen to anyone. I didn't spend much, I will take the loss this time.

It really is an open and shut case:

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Sorry to hear you and the Seller were duped, I really HATE hearing stories like that!

I had to laugh after looking at the Woochie appliances because an old frined and co-worker is one of the Models in the Photos:

His Name is Chris and it's just Funny seeing him be so serious since he's a very down-to-Earth guy! (This also doesn't even look like Make-up, but a Photoshop composite)

I hope in the case of the seller... you can find the name of the original seller who Scammed you guys and spread his name around to warn others to avoid him!
Just curious what you paid for it? Another possibility is perhaps it was a licensing sample?