Tempest 2

Gave it the first primer.




I will paint it with an air brush later.

I started to build the floor (Landing Bay).



LEDs and some optic fibers will be planted later.

Thanks for looking,

It never ceases to amaze me how a coat of primer can just make all the details start to pop out. Excellent work Katsu-san.

What kind of primer do you use? If I am not mistaken, the group of red tubing that goes vertically from the bottom to the top (in the second picture) are drinking straws... I have tried that, but at least the couple times that I tried, I had a problem with the primer not adhering to the plastic straws very well.

I can hardly wait to see the landing bay come alive (sitting on the edge of my seat). :D
Oh boy! Now the fun starts…!

Thank you!

Looks great Katsu.
How did you make the curves/bends in the ductwork?
Thank you, Carlb-san!
Here is what I did for that.
Sorry, in the early morning, my voice is rough.

What I was trying to say was that you can control the radius of the corner with the gaps between the two wooden blocks. Making it wide would create a large radius, and making it tight would form a tight radius.

Simple and easy.
Carlb-san, promise me you will tell nobody else.
It's a secret.

It never ceases to amaze me how a coat of primer can just make all the details start to pop out. Excellent work Katsu-san.

What kind of primer do you use? If I am not mistaken, the group of red tubing that goes vertically from the bottom to the top (in the second picture) are drinking straws... I have tried that, but at least the couple times that I tried, I had a problem with the primer not adhering to the plastic straws very well.

I can hardly wait to see the landing bay come alive (sitting on the edge of my seat). :D
Thank you so much, Pixelwork-san.
As you said, those tubings are drinking straws you would see on a bar counter.
It's handy and I often use it.

I use this TAMIYA surfacer every time with no trouble.

Ah, I will have to try that. Thank you for the clarification. I have a stash of straws in all different sizes hidden away in my hobby room, but they are very hard to come by here in Germany anymore, a couple years ago they pretty much banned the usage to lessen the environmental impact and since then all the restaurants (even McDonalds) use paper straws or similar.
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You are welcome.
I keep a few different kinds of straw, too.

Because of this fake photo by environmentalists, we have to drink nasty drinks through paper straws. What a pain. In Japan, biodegradable plastics are being developed to replace them.

The paint job is done.


I painted the inside wall a darker gray and then sprayed pale white to enhance the details.




This is not a kit part—something inside the garden hose nozzle.


I will plant LEDs and optical fibers soon.
This time I'm going to do some more subtle lighting, which I think will make it look more like a military ship.

Thanks for looking,
