Team Zissou


Well-Known Member
Are the costumes from The Life Aquatic custom for the movie or are they existing clothes.
They're most definitely custom. If you're looking for a good base shirt, you can use one of the jersey-knit "athletic/preppy/vintage" fit light blue polos you can find at Target. That's what I used for mine:


Modified it into a button down shirt. The blue material is a sueded synthetic (not sure the right name for it) which seemed to be a good match to the movie. Doing all the work to make it button-down instead of polo probably isn't necessary; you can just stitch the stripe onto the front and add dummy buttons.

The movie track pants were custom made as well I believe. I wasn't able to find any track pants in the right color, so i just went with some slacks I found on clearance at Dillards Fairly close color match, but not 100%.


For the shoes I used a pair of Adidas knock-offs that I found at Payless for $20. They had four blue stripes originally; I cut one off and painted the middle light blue.


The shoes are REALLY uncomfortable for long periods of standing... If you want to wear them for anything more than a party every now and then, you might invest in a real pair of adidas.... The payless ones definitely show their cheapness in that department :)
It was some Tamiya acrylic that I had sitting around from building model kits... But any brand will work, really. Probably best to stick with acrylics (artist's tube or model paint in a little jar)- get a dark blue and a white, and you can mix a bit to the right shade of light blue.